Nitrox Class Without Tables or Math...OK?

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couldnt have said it better myself LOL

I couldn't have said it myself... I didn't write the book :14:

But, while I was reading it, I couldn't help but think to myself... "From the Diving God's thoughts to your mouth" (or fingers in this case)
I usually don't have my dive computer with me when I rent tanks or get Nitrox fills. I keep my c-cards in my dive log, along with my combined air/nitrox table. It takes about 15 seconds to look up a MOD. It may have taken a whole 2 minutes to learn to use the table. What if you go for a Nitrox fill and forget your computer?
What if you go for a Nitrox fill and forget your computer?

What if you go for a nitrox fill and forget your tables?

Borrow someone else's or get an employee to calculate best mix for you, then double check when you get home.
What if you go for a nitrox fill and forget your tables?

I can do the math. I'm Advanced Nitrox certified. :mooner:

I generally don't forget my tables because they are with the c-card which I generally need when renting tanks.
How to use them instead of tables: both in planning and in how you dive. Yes, it is designed to have an instructor teach you how to competently use a computer. When to trust and more importantly, when NOT to trust it. It is not a prerequisite, but you should own a NitrOx computer BEFORE you take the course. I do provide one in class if you don't, but I would MUCH prefer that you learn on your own.

Thanks for the info Pete. IMO if someone already has a computer AND knows how to use it, the effort to teach the use of tables or formulas seems to be counter productive. The theory is still useful, as is an introduction to the formulas, but having to do endless calculations for MOD, EAD, and use tables for multiple dives is not practical. If someone has a computer AND does not understand how to use it or its limitations then a bit more work on formulas to really stress the theory seems more valuable.

When I took my Nitrox course I had a computer that was air only. Understanding EAD and how to plan using the tables was the only way to go. Once I got my second computer with Nitrox capability, well I do occaisionally review the tables as a way to refresh my understanding of the theory.

Tech diving is another game altogether. Not in my future - can't afford it and really don't have the desire at my age.
I can do the math. I'm Advanced Nitrox certified. :mooner:

I generally don't forget my tables because they are with the c-card which I generally need when renting tanks.

Soooo... going to get your tanks filled is something you didn't think about ahead of time?

You just headed out on your motorcycle with both tanks strapped on, and never thought that you would end up at the LDS for a tank fill?

I'm also guessing that you don't know the depth of your next dive... unless you already planned it. And, if you don't know the depth... what good is calculating MOD or best mix?

Let's assume that you do know your dive depths... Your buddy called to tell you he had dives setup for both of you...

"Get the tanks filled, Bobbyjoe Moron... we got us a daaave today.... goin' ta 90 foots".... "Otay, Billiejean Morn, let me grab this haar computer we got settin on top of the waare spool, whatn' we uses for a table"

In the example above, even a couple of "Morons" planned their dive prior to heading out to have the tanks filled.
Soooo... going to get your tanks filled is something you didn't think about ahead of time?

In a lot of places, you just take what you can get. It might be EAN29 to EAN37 when you want EAN32. If I see a DIR guy around, I might ask for EAN73 in my deco bottle to hear them groan. :D
If I see a DIR guy around, I might ask for EAN73 in my deco bottle to hear them groan. :D
You misspelled snicker
In a lot of places, you just take what you can get. It might be EAN29 to EAN37 when you want EAN32. If I see a DIR guy around, I might ask for EAN73 in my deco bottle to hear them groan. :D

Now, you have me grinning and chuckling :D

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