Night Dive, Boynton (Loggerhead) 10/01/04?

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Well I have a few errands to run and then I'm off. See ya down there.
Ok, just about to leave work and catch up with my ride. Might be staying down the whole weekend, will have to see, will chat to various people regarding that tonight aand tomorrow and decide on the fly i guess :wink:

See you soon people.
Okay, just got back again... here's the story:
Seas were up... 2-4', but generally 3'. The vis remains at 50-65' depending on where you go. Water temp was down to 68 degrees. Just jokin... it's still 82. This is gonna be great, but if you are a puker, medicate.
Ok... trip report anybody??
Yeah, I got the scoop, but what about the trip report??:wink:
Thanks everyone for a great time on the Loggerhead! Special thanks to Kev for organizing the trip and sprinkling a little bit of lovin around for air :wink:. I had a blast finally meeting Kevin, Krista and the guys from Oklahoma, as well as getting to see some great marine life. Added bonus was breakfast with Marvel and Jenny (who I am happy to have finally met as well!). I look forward to seeing you all again (Krista & Chuck-get your tents and rum ready!) and definitely diving with you again.
Hey! It was great to see some familiar faces and to meet some new ones too! I really enjoy doing stuff with folks from the board. As far as the dive report goes...
Seas were 2-4 feet, Vis was probably 60' on the first dive, then maybe 40-45' on the second... I have a hard time gauging viz on night dives, but that's my best guess. There was very little current, dive one was slight South, dive two was slight North. Notables that I had first hand knowlege of were a purplemouthed moray,two big greens, a yellow stingray and two southerns, some spotted lobsters, and two Florida ones which I captured, two hawksbill turtles, a reef squid and a decent sized gag grouper. Simon saw a lemon shark, but I missed it. Also there were some cool nudibranchs, and lots of different kinds of shrimps but I'm not so hot with invertebrate ID, so I don't know which ones they were. I was really trying to see an octopus, but I drew a blank. I think Chuck said he was too.
The surface was pretty rough, that kinda sucked. The first drop was a little screwy too, 'cause the current was backwards, but it worked out anyway. I was suprized at how empty the reef was. Night time is usually kind of quiet out there, but not that quiet. Anyway, I still had fun, I hope everyone else did too. Oh yeah, Rebecca made awesome cookies for everyone... thanks Rebecca! And Thanks Alemoazhino for crewing, and Capt John for having us too!
Here's some topside pics:
Maybe i was catching some shut-eye on the photo??? :wink:

The lemon was under a ledge tucked right in, i think my roommate saw it, i showed Becky, but have no idea ow she couldnt see it. It looked about 6-8ft long as there were several feet of tail sticking out and from another vantage point you could see all teh rest of it except its nose.

It was a shame that the beach diving took a hit this weekend, the waves, rips and such werent productive to a good patch of diving with visibility so we canned that.

Great diving with you guys again.
The ocean was a bit rough. Several people got sick even on dramamin (sp). Some of the critters I saw, a parrot fish with a remora hitching a ride, a basket sea star, reef squid and a lot of squidlets,a huge blue parrot fish, green moray and a moon jelly fish.
I also thought that the reefs seemed a bit vacant of life.
There was a thermocline at 49'.
I want to thank Kbeck for providing me a place to lay my weary head after the dive. She is a very good host. And Kev for arranging this. It was fun.
The shore conditions the next morning, as Simon has reported, was very dissapointing. However the company of Jenny, Marvel, Simon and Becky at breakfast made the trip down to Hibiscus worth it. Thanks for a good time.

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