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Peter, I encourage you go to go a page or two back to see the graphics I posted, including the animated .gif of the lionfish invasion since the first sighting in 1985. Maybe then you will see this is not a knee jerk reaction.

Education is key. Seriously.. This is a huge problem. And the only way to get rid of them is to kill em all. It ain't gonna happen. They are winning..[/COLOR]

Precisely. They lay thousands of eggs per year, and reproduce every 4 weeks or months (can't remember which) but it's pretty fast!!

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
Welcome to Scubaboard GLOCKSCUBAG!RL
I hope you stay and do visit South Florida for some Lionfish hunting we could use all the help we can get.
Peter, if you say I'm sorry and leave it at that it may work. :confused:

Actually I don't think it will work, I think the pack, having their blood up and in a killing mood, not finding any Lion Fish in their area have turned on me and are using me as a blood sport (as one does). I can feel their fangs on my neck as I write.

........... And you thought I had no sense of humor.................:D

---------- Post added January 8th, 2014 at 06:13 AM ----------

You forgot the most important one....
  1. Convince the Chinese that this "pest animal" is actually an aphrodisiac that they can serve as an expensive food!!!!

Saw a show where in (I think) Japan, they are having issues with jellyfish being in plague proportions and filling fishermens nets. The ever enterprising fishermen have decided to use the jellyfish and market them for various foods etc, hoping to create a new market.
Saw a show where in (I think) Japan, they are having issues with jellyfish being in plague proportions and filling fishermens nets. The ever enterprising fishermen have decided to use the jellyfish and market them for various foods etc, hoping to create a new market.

Interesting....I wonder if it will work? Does jellyfish even taste good? And the texture.....? :/

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
Interesting....I wonder if it will work? Does jellyfish even taste good? And the texture.....? :/

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
Turtles really like it :)
and for that matter...shark fins have no real taste..the Chinese use chicken broth to FLAVOR the shark I suppose you could "flavor" the jellyfish, and this jellyfish salad would make the expensive aphrodisiac crowd very pleased with it's taste.
Ohh, and such a bummer, too! Killing all those sharks for their fins :(

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
Precisely. They lay thousands of eggs per year, and reproduce every 4 weeks or months (can't remember which) but it's pretty fast!!

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
Yes, they lay 30,000 eggs approximately every 4 days in a gelatinous sack that no fish will touch cause it tastes bad.. it drifts in the ocean currents and slowly dissipates, releasing the eggs.

Interesting....I wonder if it will work? Does jellyfish even taste good? And the texture.....? :/

*~ Adventurer for life ~*
DV beat me to it. Turtles. But turtles are being killed and they LOVE jellyfish. Leatherbacks especially, and they are severely endangered here. Go to the Turks and Caicos, where they have their nesting grounds, and you can see poachers galore..

Actually I don't think it will work, I think the pack, having their blood up and in a killing mood, not finding any Lion Fish in their area have turned on me and are using me as a blood sport (as one does). I can feel their fangs on my neck as I write.

Actually we've explained it adnauseum, but you keep coming back with rethortical stuff..
And BTW, those are not fangs you feel.. those are Lionfish spears. :D :D :D
Call him 'Dude.' I think I read somewhere that he likes being called 'Dude.' :D

Perhaps the real mistake is to deplete our oceans of many species and not realise the interconnection between one species and another. Take away the predator and you have an explosion of the next lower level. I still think we are probably the root cause of this issue, we just don't realise how we are causing it. Perhaps from over fishing, pollution killing off a species we don't realise or care about. As a species we are so quick to blame something else and also quick to attempt to control an issue without understanding the root cause.

We are often too simplistic in our analysis in an attempt to fix the issue quickly. A homo-sapien trait.

Clear as daylight, no further 'explanation' necessary ... As for the 'reaction' to your downright "ignorant" and inflammatory comment? Well, we're full of all sorts of traits, ain't we?:wink:
Welcome to :sblogo: GLOCKSCUBAG!RL :D

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