New policy on lionfish in the park

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After visiting SE FL several times, unarmed, I bought myself a Liontamer ($40 incl shipping) lion fish liontamer. This weapon is easy to carry and easy to use. I was 3 for 3 on my first hunt with fish between small and medium-large. Lionfish eradication can be performed by many divers, at low cost, and safely. This is not rocket science and should not cost as much.

Good diving, Craig
That's a really cool video! Makes me want to go give it a try.
Hi 1KWIK 69,

It's as easy as it looks. I practiced on an apple before taking my liontamer diving. It routinely pierced the fruit and protruded 6-8" on the other side. Does more than an adequate job on the Lionfish.

Good diving, Craig
Hey, did anybody watch the ELF video? How did this thing even get off the drawing board, let alone be accepted by the marine park?

No way I'd use something like that, that requires you to put your hand with 3-4 inches of the lion fish you are trying to spear, that thing is just an accident waiting to happen for the user.
Many excellent points have been made here.

I don't disagree that lionfish hunts be open at will to anyone, especially tourists and those without sufficient diving skills.

I don't disagree that certain precautions, procedures, and regulations regarding killing the lionfish be established by the MP.

I don't disagree that the MP is the agency that should set these standards, regulations, etc.

BUt this ELF tool is incredibly offensive to my sensibilities, intelligence knowledge and experience with efforts to keep the lionfish population under control.

It's poorly designed, and RIDICULOUSLY over priced - and to require a "specialty course " to use THIS device. An embarrassment to me as a dive professional and as a Cozumel operator!

There are safer, more effective, and much more economical tools that have been serving the purpose of maintaining control over the LF population before certain people started trying to "fix what wasn't broken"

Sorry to my friends here that I disagree with - but seriously, this ELF tool is a joke and an embarrassment!

Not to mention that EVEN at a "discount"the already overpriced devices are STILL excessively overpriced. I would MUCH rather see Marine Park funds go towards better use than purchasing overpriced "tools" that are undoubtedly less effective than what we've been using. How about using those MP funds to go towards more volunteer lionfish hunts that we used to do once or twice a week, or lionfish tournaments, or enforcing and keeping poachers out of the park - I could go on and on - but this is a TOTAL waste of funds that are desperately needed in other ways!
It is interesting this conversation, A few days ago there was a similar conversation started under Spearfishing Lionfish - ScubaBoard

I believe that it is a waste of the Marine park funds if they are going to spend $100 usd per ELF when this is almost the same thing as the Lion Tammer that cost between $20 and $40 retail.

The event being given for the fund raiser as far as I have been informed isn't even the marine parks event. So I don't understand why it is being promoted in this fashion.
Hey guys great meeting with Ricardo today! He as always is professional and has a perfect solution for everyone!!
All he is asking at the moment is to either hunt with the ELF or go to the Marine Park offices and show them what you are hunting with. He is being really resoanable here. If it meets certain criteria the tool you have will be OKd and Id under your name. This seems really acceptable for everyone I hope. Here is the best part though, if the tool does not meet the criteria they want they will hand you in a tool that they accept. How could this not work in everyines favor? If your tool is good have the Marine Park inspect it and ID it. Lets work together people!!!

Please before bashing and being negative please consider that the Marine Park wants to help you. I know you all have your personal opinions and that you all have great ideas, please reach out to the Marine Park of Cozumel and have them learn what great ideas you have!!
either hunt with the ELF or go to the Marine Park offices and show them what you are hunting with. If it meets certain criteria the tool you have will be OKd and Id under your name.

My question is simple. What "criteria" do the tools have to meet? Is this list of criteria published anywhere? If they don't have a clear and simple list of criteria that the tool has to meet, on what will the park service person base their finding, and for that matter, will it even always be the same person deciding which tools are acceptable, and which are not?
If your tool is good have the Marine Park inspect it and ID it.

You know the first step is registration....:rofl3:

Seriously, doesn't it seem a little overzealous to inspect, id and approve every tool used to whack the little suckers? I mean I am reading this right that it will only be DMs shooting them right? The guys and girls with a financial interest in protecting the reefs anyway? Weren't they liable to have been doing more damage with nets touching the reef?
In the bigger picture, isn't there a tremendous amount more damage being done now in so many other ways? Wouldn't it protect the reef more to check rental gear to make sure there is the proper equipment to keep the gauges from dragging on the reef? I mean if you wanted to inspect something. What else gets inspected before going out on the reef? Maybe I am missing it, but it seems like a lot of red tape just generally.
Hey guys great meeting with Ricardo today! He as always is professional and has a perfect solution for everyone!!
All he is asking at the moment is to either hunt with the ELF or go to the Marine Park offices and show them what you are hunting with. He is being really resoanable here. If it meets certain criteria the tool you have will be OKd and Id under your name. This seems really acceptable for everyone I hope. Here is the best part though, if the tool does not meet the criteria they want they will hand you in a tool that they accept. How could this not work in everyines favor? If your tool is good have the Marine Park inspect it and ID it. Lets work together people!!!

Please before bashing and being negative please consider that the Marine Park wants to help you. I know you all have your personal opinions and that you all have great ideas, please reach out to the Marine Park of Cozumel and have them learn what great ideas you have!!
My heart ached to be on the plane as I really wanted to see Ricardo at the open forum. I am pleased he did what was chatted about in private. This is very acceptable, he wants to know that divers have the skills to do this. Highly understandable. The dive ops need to keep this position too. Some are afraid of loosing their clients to the lenient dive ops.
Rodive, I believe all those that have participated in this spirited discussion have the park in mind and believe in the best for the parks' preservation. I also believe they want to be of maximum value to the park controllers. It's the ELF tool that everyone is bitching about amigo. It is a very overrated tool. I would set up the first 500$ donation to the park for a sling too as I know they work incredibly well in the hands of a expert. On that though I have supplied close to that in needle proof gloves and slings.
My argument was noisy, please forgive my overzealous attitude. I mean no personal attack. Truly I am on your side, but from the other side of the table it seems. This decision of Ricardos' to see who is participating and to inspect the tools seems reasonable.
I would like to say that if a sling rubber is worn and they pull back on it, the rubber will break, the tip goes nowhere. If is breaks on release then it is still held in the hand, only one side of the band will break. This is a very unlikely happening. Most of us inspect our tools for breakage. I did on mine the other day. I reset the band.
Maybe the participators of this thread and the people I chat with on the island feel you are trying to manipulate something with the park people; to make your dive op look like the go-to company for lion-fish eradication purposes. I am trusting you are not trying to position yourself like this, but are spear heading a drive for everyone to participate in the preservation of the beloved island Cozumel. kevin.

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