Uh, DGX isn't a dealer? I'm confused. They certainly seem like a dealer to me. I send them $1000 a year in little fiddly orders for o-rings, hoses, valves, valve parts, tools, BC parts, and so on. No distributor or wholesaler would put up with that.
Well, as a consumer, I am confused. I thought that Deep Six stood for direct-to-the-customer sales. I thought that the Deep Six brand, in contrast to Hog, stood for the concept of one mid-priced product in each category rather than a differentiated product line with various price points. I thought Deep Six stood for the mail-in service concept including the "first service is on us" component and the "regs come with service parts in case you need someone to service them fast" component. I found that all to be innovative.
How the new reg being sold by DGX fits into that is beyond me.