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Hi my docter recently told me to take Nasonex and claritin every morning is there anything I should be concerned about I'm deadly afraid of having a reverse block oh and the claritin is 24 hour and the nasonex is 12 I think. Thanks
I started using a sinus rinse (Neil Med) the night before diving. It cleans out all the gunk in the sinuses and I don't have to worry about medication wearing off.

You do have to get used to squirting water up your nose, but it's amazing how clear you feel after you get all of the water out.
As long as your not driving race cars you're probably fine.
I'm with Dr Neil (and he is a Dr, but I wonder if he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night...but I digress). I use a neti-pot fairly regularly, I find it keeps the whole nasal plumbing clear and functioning without any potential side effects. In the end it's salt water, can't hurt from everything I've read...does it help, seems to help me, but opinions vary.

As for your original question, Dive Training did a recent story on OTC meds and diving (I'm thinking Jan/Feb timeframe). Two part, had a lot of information. Probably a good read in your case, DAN is obviously a good resource as well.

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