the publishing here was with regard to the NACD post, sorry for not clarifying. I still think that they need to get "up to date" with the member email.
Discussing never putting emails or putting wrong emails, CDS has a publication, it comes out to everyone, there are also ballots that go out for voting, that goes out to all members. Have the ballots request updated contact information. If they don't do it, then that's fine, you still publish on the website, but you give everyone the heads up that it is happening.
I still maintain it is easy, it's relatively complex if you don't know what you're doing, disclaimer I don't, but they have webmasters, and if small dive shops are able to maintain a list of "members" that they send email updates out to, the agencies should be able to do the same.... Cost money, sure, but when you weigh the cost of that vs. the snail mailing of ballots out to all of the members each year, I'm willing to bet that going to a web based system for org announcements and board voting is cheaper.
The one advantage to mail is that when it gets blocked due to an invalid address it's returned to you with the new forwarded address, or at the very least you're notified that it wasn't delivered so you can remove it. There are no automated spam filters in US Mail boxes.
Have you seen how few members even return the ballot? Just because you send someone a paper mail with a call to action doesn't mean it actually gets done. The reason the CDS is still voting by mail is that the bylaws state it has to be done that way IIRC. You're not dealing with an either/or situation here.
My HOA is the same way-- we're blowing TONS of money mailing out information, but we can't get enough members to even vote for a bylaw change. Heck, even marking envelopes prepaid postage doesn't result in checking yes or no and putting it in the mail.
The dive shops which are sending out mass emails are likely getting flagged as spam by a certain percentage. If it's marketing material that's fine, but when you send membership information or an official release out it's a bit more tricky than that as everyone feels their inbox is the most important one.
Have a look at constant contact (the most common email marketing tool) and their pricing. For up to 2500 people, which I believe would cover the cds, it would cost $420/year. For perspective, the entire membership fee currently barely covers the cost of printing the journal and mailing it out to each member.
Affordable Marketing Campaign Software | Constant Contact
I'm not saying getting a better handle on email publishing is a bad idea, I just think you're saying it's "easy" when realistically there are some challenges.