As I stated in a solo thread recently, safe is not up to peers to decide, safety during training is the risk tolerance of the:
1. Instructor
2. Training Agency
3. Insurance company........
there is a forth element _ The Student. As a point the NACD neither supports nor condemns solo diving it's a personal choice
From the NACD Manual
"The NACD does not condone or disapprove of Solo diving. The NACD believes that
individuals have the right to make decisions to dive in the manner that they choose as
long as it does not endanger other divers or the environment. We believe that there are
many ways to dive safely. We believe in the freedom to make decisions regarding your
own well being."
---------- Post added May 28th, 2015 at 10:32 PM ----------
Its harder in the ocean than in a cave. The entire process is easier. Leisurely mornings, snack time at picnic benches, rocks to hold on to during deco, solid visual references, no need to shoot an SMB.
That said, their trimix certs should have an * denoting that their instructor really has no idea if they can do the stuff mid-water or not.
When is the last time you made dives in the many sink holes out in the Gulf of Mexico? Just a comment no insult intended.
---------- Post added May 28th, 2015 at 10:41 PM ----------
The NSS-CDS S&P's have a detailed section on instructor ethics that discusses safe and professional teaching diving practices. You will note that it states in all instructional...
Instructors for the NSS-CDS agree upfront to adhere to these standards and safe diving practices.
It is my hope that other training agencies make additions to their S&P's ethics section to include a section like this.
1.1 NSS-CDS Ethics Policies and Procedures
1.1.1 Ethical Standards for Instructors
A. Every NSS-CDS instructor shall adhere strictly to all NSS-CDS Standards and Procedures, NSS-CDS Ethical Standards and safe and professional teaching practices in all instructional and guided cavern and cave dives.
B. No NSS-CDS instructor shall participate in any activity, or accept any benefit, that creates a personal conflict of interest with implementing safe and effective NSS-CDS Standards and Procedures, NSS-CDS Ethical Standards or safe and professional teaching practices.
D. No instructor shall disclose confidential NSS-CDS business information provided, however, that NSS-CDS instructors shall disclose in an appropriate forum all information required by law or permitted by law in an appropriate official session of the NSS-CDS Training Committee or the NSS-CDS Board of Directors; and provided further that NSS-CDS instructors shall promptly report to the Training Committee Chairman any known or observed violation of NSS-CDS Standards and Procedures, NSS-CDS Ethical Standards or safe and professional teaching practices by another NSS-CDS instructor
I was asked what the NACD Ethics State, so here they are:
1. Members shall at all times uphold the STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES as set forth by the NACD.
2. Members shall support the NACD programs and shall not disparage the NACD organization or its members in good standing.
3. Members shall conduct themselves and their courses in a professional manner and shall not disparage other diving professionals or organizations.
4. Members shall evidence common honesty and courtesy in dealing with all NACD activities.
5. Members shall report, in writing, to the Quality Assurance Committee any violations of NACD standards that have been personally observed.
6. Members shall cooperate during official inquiries and investigations (in ethics matters) and fully and promptly respond to inquiries from the ethics committee.
7. Only NACD instructors who are in teaching status shall represent themselves as being capable of issuing NACD certifications. Misrepresentations by previous members, non-members, or current members (in a non-teaching status) shall be grounds for legal action by the NACD.
8. Members shall comply with the intent of NACD Standard Safe Cavern and Cave Diving Practice Statement of Understanding while in a teaching or supervising capacity.
9. Promoting students to undertake diver training in the overhead environment is a violation of NACD ethical standards.
10. Instructors will abide by all site regulations of private, county, state and federal facilities while conducting NACD training programs.
NACD Standards & Procedures 5
General Standards
o Each NACD Instructor shall maintain an attitude of professionalism and objectivity and support the concept of safety in cavern and cave diving.
o Each NACD Instructor will refrain from encouraging or recruiting individuals to cavern or cave dive if unqualified to do so.
o Each NACD Instructor will make every effort to pass on their knowledge to novice cavern and cave divers and the diving community if requested to do so, whether through formal instruction, answering questions or via appropriate publication in books, journals and magazines.
o Each NACD Instructor recognizes that they have access to a unique and fragile underwater environment and shall encourage and practice an awareness of conservation of this environment at all times.
o Each NACD Instructor, by virtue of voluntary membership in NACD, recognizes a responsibility and obligation to promote NACD and support the official decisions and policies adopted by NACD. In fulfilling this obligation to the organization, the NACD
Instructors shall:
o Each NACD Instructor has an obligation to report violations of NACD’s Code of Ethics.
o Each NACD Instructor should strive to set an example of professional behavior and ethical conduct in all activities including public speaking, articles and books and various forms of Internet style discourse.
o Unwarranted critical comment and deliberate inflammatory statements of diving peers is inappropriate and undesirable.
o Each NACD Instructor shall refrain from encouraging or recruiting others to dive beyond present limitations of training and experience.
o Each NACD instructor shall refrain from making any public comment which, in any manner, endorses or encourages the violation of limitations of training or minimizes the need for training. Each NACD instructor is expected to fully support the absolute necessity for training and the strict adherence to NACD diver limitations. As used in this policy statement, the term "public comment" shall include, but not be limited to, those made in publications, Internet forums and all other media of mass distribution.
o Violation of these provisions shall result in appropriate disciplinary action by the NACD Training Director against the instructor in violation of any Section of this Code of Ethics.