You got that wrong. He can't confirm or tell, simply because he has nothing worthwhile.
There are no claims to be made public because all he has, is hearsay, rumors, maybe spiced with a few lies.
Most of what Rick Murcar has posted over the past weeks on Scubaboard, has caused severe damage to the NACD.
To me as a member, this is nothing but disgraceful.
He has made the organization a laughing stock by claiming to step forward and save the world of cave instruction, with all of that blowing up in his face.
First he loses three of his board members, we can only speculate why that happened with the resignation letters being confidential.
Now the suspension fiasco.
Rick, I will say this in public since that's what you seem to like so much. Please do the membership of the NACD one last favor.
Don't run the organization completely into the ground, step back from your BoD post and let someone else clean up the mess.