Vindicator knobs came with my HP80s when I bought them last year. Liked them so much I got them on modular valves for SM. DGX actually recommends a Vindicator on the manifold, citing accidents when divers splashed with the manifold OFF.
I made a mistake once in France just at the surface before I started the dive.My manifold was closed. I did realize when I was checking my valves at the surface.
That means get out of the water. Walk back to the car. Analyse tanks and go back to the water again. Just open the valve of the manifold is not enough. If the left and right tank doesn’t contain the same gas it can kill you if you just open your isolator valve and go diving.
The vindicator may help you at the surface. But when your tanks are at your backplate it is not possible to see them. I always check my valves in the water. Also during the dive it is not possible to the vindicator by myself. You still have to know how to check if your valves are opened/closed without vindicator. Because of that reason nobody I know is using them.