Learning how you respond to real emergencies is IMHO one of the most important things you can learn about yourself. This is one reason that despite being a solo diver for nearly 50 years, I never recommend solo diving to anyone. In that time I have "only" had three incidents where I unintentionally ran out of gas. Of these only one could be categorized as my fault (for not checking my SPG after the fill, then discovering they had forgotten to open the valve to my tank during the "fill").
I have learned that I respond very calmly to situations like this. Knowing this has made me feel safer with my diving practices because I maintain a cool head (or is it simply a state of denial?) and have recovered fairly easily in each case.
I have learned that I respond very calmly to situations like this. Knowing this has made me feel safer with my diving practices because I maintain a cool head (or is it simply a state of denial?) and have recovered fairly easily in each case.