About CESA:
"This procedure is recommended for ascents where there is no decompression obligation, a free surface with little risk of entanglement, and the diver has sufficient breath hold capacity to easily reach the surface conscious.
Advantages of this method, when applicable, are that no outside assistance or special equipment is required. Disadvantages are that it requires the diver to reach the surface in a limited time, which does not allow for staged decompression, possible delays due to entanglement or snags, or long distances to reach the surface. "
I read everywhere and also in my book that PADI limits CESA to 9 meters.
But maybe, now, I'm interested in your bibliographic sources...

Emergency ascent - Wikipedia
"This procedure is recommended for ascents where there is no decompression obligation, a free surface with little risk of entanglement, and the diver has sufficient breath hold capacity to easily reach the surface conscious.
Advantages of this method, when applicable, are that no outside assistance or special equipment is required. Disadvantages are that it requires the diver to reach the surface in a limited time, which does not allow for staged decompression, possible delays due to entanglement or snags, or long distances to reach the surface. "
The depth is arbitrary. They feel on deeper depths you should use a buoyant ascent. In a buoyant ascent, you drop your weights to be sure of getting to the surface. Other than that, it is exactly the same as a CESA. You exhale all the way to the surface. Buoyant ascents have been done from 100 meters.
I read everywhere and also in my book that PADI limits CESA to 9 meters.
But maybe, now, I'm interested in your bibliographic sources...