my dive flag

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I hate towing the dive flag, but I have found a few simple things that work ok for me to make it just slightly less painful. i thought i'd share.

first issue I had was extra line coming off the holder while swimming around, I fixed this with a boltsnap. I keep one end clipped to the holder and then clip off the other end to the line once I have let out the proper amount. this prevents more from unspooling unless I want too.

2nd problem was the line getting tangled onto me. I fixed this by attaching a fiberglass lobster tickle stick to the line holder, which floats. So now the line doesn't even start until it's at least 3' away from my hand. the boltsnap mentioned earlier keeps it from unrolling. the stick is easier to carry, and I can stick it in the sand.

a reel w/snap or locking reel would have solved the unrolling problem too, but the stick is still really nice to keep the line further away from me.

photo (768x1024).jpg

the grenade idea is still in the planning phases, maybe some kind of proximity sensor that disarms it when the diver is within the blast range? but once the diver is far enough away.....and the idiot boater gets close enough.....:nuke:
Nice. The grenade is pretty cool, but even if it's not real, be mindful of park rangers and other law enforcement. Wouldn't want them to think you're trying to blow up the marina. :D
The grenade is good but they will not see it until they pick up the flag. I would replace the foam with a round piece of foam with spikes so it looks like a WWII contact mine.
Nice. The grenade is pretty cool, but even if it's not real, be mindful of park rangers and other law enforcement. Wouldn't want them to think you're trying to blow up the marina. :D
Not to mention the fact that even inert ones are illegal in many places.
I like it. The nade is a nice touch. Thanks for sharing your lessons learned.
Just attach your dive flag to this float.PICT003424[1].jpg
The Mk2 frag grenade is a nice touch.

Hopefully discourages boaters from taking your buoy and giving you skiing lessons, eh?


Obligatory sea mine scene from "Hot Fuzz".

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