My back surgery...

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Foley catheter.

I was offered dinner, but only ate a pudding cup.

They wanted me to lift my right leg. Not possible, yet. They forced the issue and I really tried. When the pain hit 12 on a 10 point scale, I screamed an f-bomb so loud that the guy in the bed next to me started to recite the Lord's prayer. In earnest. I'm now in a private room. 😅🤣😂🤣😅

I'm in lots and lots of pain which I hope translates to lots and lots of gain.

Wonderful staff and very empathetic. I child not ask for anything better. Next meds at 3.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Words could not express the depth of my gratitude for you hooligans.

Speaking of which, I keep reaching down to pet my Tashi Toodles.
Sooooo, we are raiding your hospital on the way to Bonaire in 11 days … have your bucket hat and skiveys ready to make a run for the exit!!! Seri, we will miss you Pete!!
Walk, walk and walk some more. I walked over 300 miles in the 4 months after L4/L5 fusion. The first 4 weeks were the worst. Good luck and a speedy recovery.
Complications yesterday: I had a pulmonary embolism which they removed last night. I feel better with all that junk removed.
Good luck in your surgery and thanks for all that you have done to improve SCUBA communications within the group. On a not to your rehab and recovery. I suffered a leg injury more than 23 years ago, several surgeries, bone graphs, long rehab etc., and found that walking in a pool made it easier in the beginning as it allowed me to ease into load bearing. Since then I do a lot of bicycling and swimming with fins. Maybe a local pool in the beginning for therapy. All the best and thanks too !
Complications yesterday: I had a pulmonary embolism which they removed last night. I feel better with all that junk removed.
Scary, but good you got it fixed. :cheer:
No diving for an additional 6 months.
It'll be good to be walking and breathing in the meantime.
Not sue where I left off. Still In ICU, still hurt, and it's a week tomorrow. Nurses get a giggle when they ask me where I am and my reply is "Shambles" rather than Shands. Nice group of people who appear concerned and competent. Thought you should know.
Not sue where I left off. Still In ICU, still hurt, and it's a week tomorrow. Nurses get a giggle when they ask me where I am and my reply is "Shambles" rather than Shands. Nice group of people who appear concerned and competent. Thought you should know.
Shands is fantastic! One day at a time. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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