My back surgery...

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Pete is awake, fed, grumpy as heck, and back to snoozing.

All as expected.

Thanks for the update Wookie.. Now that the task is done, the real work begins. Nurse Rachet will be saying......."you need to pee....then you need to get the **** up and go pee."

Best of luck Pete...... You're a true searcher and there are better times ahead for you. Hang in there and hold the course!
"you need to pee
Foley catheter.

I was offered dinner, but only ate a pudding cup.

They wanted me to lift my right leg. Not possible, yet. They forced the issue and I really tried. When the pain hit 12 on a 10 point scale, I screamed an f-bomb so loud that the guy in the bed next to me started to recite the Lord's prayer. In earnest. I'm now in a private room. 😅🤣😂🤣😅

I'm in lots and lots of pain which I hope translates to lots and lots of gain.

Wonderful staff and very empathetic. I child not ask for anything better. Next meds at 3.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Words could not express the depth of my gratitude for you hooligans.

Speaking of which, I keep reaching down to pet my Tashi Toodles.
Second best news I've heard all day.

The Chicago Bears are going to be on Hard Knocks! What did you think I was talking about?
Foley catheter.
I ended up hooked to one of those with no end expected until I had my prostate fixed. I hated wearing it public, but actually enjoyed only having to go to the head twice a day.
Next meds at 3.
When you know what time your next meds are. :eyebrow:
Cutting out caffeine a few months back enabled me to start sleeping thru the night. I also started making my own soda with a CO2 tank and fittings for 2 liter bottles. I limit the amount of CO2 which also stops getting that bloated feeling. It costs about 65 cents for a 2 liter bottle and I'm sending less plastic to the landfills. Suwannee County does not recycle plastics.

The nurse brought me a turkey sandwich and chips, so I finally ate some food! That was a 42 hour fast, if you ignore the pudding cup. The pain has abated somewhat, I even combed my hair, but I still can't lift that right leg. Almost, but I'm still not there. Dr Decker said it might take 2 to 3 days before I can walk and that's when I get evicted.


Hey mate I'll have a word with some people maybe make you an honorary Muslim
I've donated $100 to the go red slush fund to get you a new fit svelte body, onesie
Do you think you could flip the lever for me thanks of course if you're not too busy

Did you hear the outcome of The Donalds tribulations
Limits. Diving and life are all about limits. I've made it a priority to know my limits and to honor them. Sometimes, well meaning people want you to exceed them. They just won't listen. My morning nurse wants me out of bed and into a lounge chair, and I can't even raise my right leg up. The effort failed and I'm now in great pain. My right leg is like rubber. I can still wriggle my toes, so the chord must be intact.
Patience... a few have plenty, while some see no need for it. My morning nurse was the latter. In walks my PT aka Physical Terrorist. What an angel. She tells me that PT stands for Party Time. I like her terms much better.

I have lost most strength in my right leg. Again, they had to go thru the right side lower back muscles, so they appear to be on strike and are jelly when I try to use them. My PT gets it: she understands limits too. She also knows physiology well and was able to get me out of bed and into a recliner. Wow. I'm sitting up. Life is good and I'm on the mend.

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