My back surgery...

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It's Sunday afternoon.
Well, check your calendar as you posted that Monday morning but glad to hear things are going well.
Well, check your calendar as you posted that Monday morning but glad to hear things are going well.
I started it Sunday, but experienced poopage interruptus. It's real, my friend.

Side effect: shin splints. Every time I sit down, I go through my exercises. Ten knee straightenings, ten toe lifts and ten heel lifts. Before yesterday, that equated to 50/60 reps. Yesterday, it was at least 140 reps. At least. Today, I have shin splints. Ouch. OK, it's mostly in my right leg, but it hurts like crap.

Of course, my physical terrorist came by today, and first took my BP. OK, I had just come from the bathroom and was hurting, so my BP was 174/95. Way high! 6 minutes later, she' ready to leave and I haven't done anything. Ah, she can't work with me with BP that high. I suggested that she take it again and it would be far lower. No on recovers that fast, was her reply, but she humored me and found my BP to be 130/80. Why did I do that? Now I had to go through all my exercises and take a walk. Did I mention that I'm hurting this morning?

It's all good, and I'm more than willing to put in the work so I can go play.
More exercises were added today. Knee presses, free arm curls, and free arm thrusts. Meh. Easy enough.
Doctor just prescribed more oxycontin. Sigh. They just don't listen at times.

There's got to be something else that won't endanger my life.

I see him in 2 weeks and then get to learn when I get to go swimming!!! I need swimming more than just about anything else at this point. Just to be able to walk around in waist deep water without a walker and absolutely no fear of falling. To be able to do real cardio without fear of tearing something would increase my recovery rate. PT says I'm ahead of the curve in most areas, but I just need to walk more than I am. They know best.

On a cooling note, my AC is now approaching 3 years old, and two days ago, it was not keeping up. Sure enough, as soon as my nephew replaced the filter, it's doing just fine. I used to change it bi-monthly (the first of even numbered months), but I really can't recall the last time I had changed it. My bad. I lost my cool, but at least I found it again. :D
There's got to be something else that won't endanger my life.
There are other pain meds like Hydrocodone, but none of those may not be effective enough. You need to ask him.
Just to be able to walk around in waist deep water without a walker and absolutely no fear of falling. To be able to do real cardio without fear of tearing something would increase my recovery rate. PT says I'm ahead of the curve in most areas, but I just need to walk more than I am.
Glad you're recovering quickly, but then you've had experience I guess.
They know best.
Sure enough, as soon as my nephew replaced the filter, it's doing just fine.
Glad you're recovering quickly, but then you've had experience I guess.
We alone are responsible for our health decisions. Yes, I had back surgery last summer, but it was nothing like this. My PT has seen my kind of surgery over and over again, so I pay attention when she speaks. She wants me to recover too, though maybe not as badly as I do. Moreover, she knows what works and what doesn't. I don't have her vast experiences in this regard, so again, I listen. I comply. Oh looky: it's time for another 5-minute walk.

I've seen too many friends be at odds with their doctors and PTs, and it never ended well. They exercised their freedumbs to do as they pleased with poor outcomes. We're diving Belize next year for our SB Invasion. I plan to be there and in diving form. It's a helluva deal, and I invite as many of you as can make it, to come join us. It'll be fun like all the other SB Invasions.
Side effect: shin splints. Every time I sit down, I go through my exercises. Ten knee straightenings, ten toe lifts and ten heel lifts. Before yesterday, that equated to 50/60 reps. Yesterday, it was at least 140 reps. At least. Today, I have shin splints. Ouch. OK, it's mostly in my right leg, but it hurts like crap.
With regard to shin splints, you might look at the shoes you are wearing and how worn out both the inner and outer soles are.

Back when I was a competitive runner, the way that I could tell that my shoes were wearing out was an early twinge of shin splint.
Milestones: I can get up from my recliner with ease. Well, almost ease, but I'm not using my walker or anything else to get up.

I'm walking more and more without my walker. Balance and confidence are slowly returning. I'm not ready to toss it, though I can't wait till I can. :D
you might look at the shoes you are wearing
Mostly, I don't wear shoes in the house and these exercises are performed while sitting. I do wear sandals outside, and I'll look at those next time I go outside. Man, it's crazy hot out there!

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