My back surgery...

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Does your cardiologist know this?
Not yet. Yesterday's pulse was 72 and BP was 104/72... until I exercised. It shot up to 174/90 and 121. I am way, way, way out of shape. I'm usually bradycardic, so even 71 is kinda high for me. Last year's mega heart assessment showed that, and I quote, I had the heart of a 40-year-old. My retort was that they're not getting it back. Years of paddling and accumulating 4600 miles in a canoe have given me a cardio system that's still working great. I might be fat and ugly, but that's just my manatee side showing through. I believe my cold feet are a function of weight loss, which is fairly normal.
I believe my cold feet are a function of weight loss, which is fairly normal.
Maybe, but your cardiologist needs to know. I have a big collection of leg stents.
Sorry you have been through this Pete. Also sorry I haven’t even seen this thread until today. Wishing you the speediest of recoveries.

You are missed at the invasion.
A possible sign of diabetes.
I'm hypoglycemic and have been my whole life: I make too much insulin. I avoid sugars and am usually always hot. :D During my hospital stay, it was determined that I am still hypoglycemic when my Glucose got all the way down to 20. They were trying to get me to drink Coca-Cola. Historically, that's the absolute worst thing for me to drink when my sugars are down. Apple juice is about the most sugar I can tolerate without triggering another spike. It takes time, with an easily predicted lag, but they didn't want to wait. They brought me a lot of bad things, like donuts, etc, but I resisted vehemently. I think I had two pieces of toast in addition to the apple juice. They relented when it finally rose to 110 after about 45 minutes. It doesn't take much to raise it, but spiking it too high only starts the roller coaster of spikes and valleys. No bueno!
You are missed at the invasion.
This was the third one I missed! :( I missed seeing you and all the other usual hooligans at the invasions.
It's been a great day so far. I got my second shower early with absolutely no help, or flood, and I was able to move about the kitchen without the walker. While I'm not quite ready to cook a thanksgiving dinner yet, it feels good to get my own drink and toast a bagel. :D I'm working on getting my freedom!

As icing on the cake, I finally got a cuddle from my sweet Djinni Lu! She's so shy with everyone else, but she snuggled right in and gave such a sweet purr.

Getting up and moving around is getting far easier. I went to Winn Dixie yesterday, made it through door, and thought better of continuing. Instead, I waited in the car while my Grand Nephew did the shopping. I'll get there and am glad I tried. What I didn't expect, was the issue caused by the slight ramp taking me down to street level. It caught me off guard, but I managed. Oh yeah, I used a shopping cart as a walker.
Way down upon the Suwannee River...


I've paddled her all the way from the Okefenoke Swamp to the Gulf, twice and have done many parts of her as day trips. She'll always have a special place in my heart. She has more caves and springs than most, I reckon which simply adds to her allure.
It's Sunday afternoon. I haven't needed an Oxy since this morning. That's coming on to 12 hours, now. My problem going forward for the next couple of months is that I'm taking Eliquis, so no NSAIDs.

What they don't warn you about cutting off Oxycodone, is the massive pooping that's in store for you. OMG! So, so, much. I weighed myself after the last evacuation, and I've lost almost another 5 pounds, and am down to 279lbs. I've lost count of the times I've been to the loo in the last 24 hours. I think it's done now. (famous last words)

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