Morrison Springs is Dead

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Been following the discussion and can't thread back through all of them. Just wanted to add my opinion based upon personal observation. I observed a diver who had some unique abilities. He maneuvered his chair across the sand, through all the locals, donned his dive gear and dove. He was being assisted by his dive buddy. Now I think, 'How will this boardwalk and improvements benefit all divers?' From the descriptions provided, sounds like more divers with abilities that I don't have, will be able to dive at Morrisons.
Can we get an update from a local? New pics and a status possibly?
They were no where near finished with the park 3 weeks ago, and the spring is still flooded all to hell anyway.
Thanks! Things like that are what I'm looking for, they are slow, water is high... means no progress =(

I went lookin for the elusive boat ramp. I think I found it, but the road was covered in water at one point so Im not 100%. I did verify that the route I thought the boat ramp is on DOES exsist. Also got some more pictures of the construction. Not much head way in the last few weeks.

Take a look at the picture I attached. Go straight at the last fork before the road to morrison turns into dirt. Very shortly after that is the road to the left. (*1) It doesn't look like anything more than a trail, but don't worry.

Next, take a right at *2. You can't miss this as the alternate route (the other way into Morrison) is blocked off. Go a ways and take a left at the next Y.

Go some more, youll come to yet another Y. I tried going straight but ran into some construction. (constructing what, I have no clue) So, take a right at this Y.

Unfortunately I didnt get too far after this. As you can see from the map, the wetland area (dark colors) extend over the road way. The road was under a foot ro so of water.

Now, even though I didn't see the boat ramp, I believe this is how to get to it. 1) The overhead shot clearly shows this road going to where I believe the boat ramp is on the creek. 2) The road looked as if it had been traveled a fairly good amount (many recent tracks). Roads leading to no where do not get traveled....

Hopefully when the water goes down someone can try it again. Once you get to *3, Id either stop and get out and check out the road, or else DO NOT SLOW DOWN. Once the water goes down, the road will still probably be moist.

If you are worried about scratching your vehicle, don't try it. The road gets very tight at times. Also, I noticed a "no trespassing" sign on the gate when I was leaving. But I also saw several "No Littering" signs on the road, so Im assuming the owner has opened it up on purpose.


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When I went about a month ago, I noticed the No Tresspassing sign as well, the next road has it as well, the third road had no sign posted so thats where I went. The day I looked, there were heavy storms coming in so I didn't spend much time looking around, but I'll bet they all connect.

Nice job on the hunt, I think you're correct on the road - now we just need to find if access is indeed legal. :)
When I went about a month ago, I noticed the No Tresspassing sign as well, the next road has it as well, the third road had no sign posted so thats where I went. The day I looked, there were heavy storms coming in so I didn't spend much time looking around, but I'll bet they all connect.

Nice job on the hunt, I think you're correct on the road - now we just need to find if access is indeed legal. :)

Bah, Legal? Probably have to be a member of the local redneck yacht club to be "legal" :eyebrow:

I believe you are correct, those three roads do all connect. It's sorta hard to make out on Google Maps, but it looks like there's a small dirt road running parallel to the main dirt road. Take the 3rd dirt road that doesn't have the no trespassing signs, then take another left, then follow that 'till you get to that first "Y". It looks as if no matter what however, the only way to get to the boat ramp by crossing the washed out portion. Doesn't matter I suppose. If the road isn't passable, the spring won't be divable.

Here's something that popped into my head though. If everybody and their mother figures out this back way, it could cause some massive headaches this summer when everyone is diving/fishing. Hardly room for one vehicle half the time. Forget passing... Or maybe I'm over-estimating the reach of this message board... who knows. :popcorn:

End of ramble
Definately not a place for bringing a large class :)

The fact that the roads aren't marked, some people care about their car's paint, and it'd require a short swim back to the spring basin, I think the masses would turn the option down regardless. LOL People as a whole want easy.

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