Morrison Springs is Dead

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The boardwalk isn't floating. Its down with pilings and pretty secure. It actually seems built quite sturdily. I'll have some pics up later. Still not complete though.
I have only been following this thread for a while and have not seen every reply as yet, but wanted to put in my cent and a half worth. I have been to Morrisions way back when, before the shop there, before the wall, before much of anything was there and it was a good dive. That said, I have also seen other sites around Fl that were 'wild and free' and good dives as well and the state took over and changed them. Now, we go to those places and think, hey this is great.... In time, the changes at Morrisions will all seem 'natural' and we will accept them as a good thing. I too love the 'natural way' of things but...
When I first began diving there was no Vortex site, now it is one of the most visited sites in Fl. Left to the local citizens, Morrisons would have soon been closed to divers from other states, as so many of Fl springs are now. At least this way, maybe divers can enjoy this site for many years to come....We all hate to lose what we feel is 'ours alone' but just as soon as someone else 'discovers' our paradise, it is lost. I see it happening all thru Fl and especially thru the Caribbean, places such as Cayman Brac, Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize, Cozumal, Bonair and right here in our wonderful state of Ala... Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. We will always remember Morrisons as it was, some of us maybe as it was really 'meant to be' from 'back in the day'.... but nothing, and I mean nothing, ever stays the same once Man enters into the picture.....
Great pics have been posted, thanks to everyone who shared those.

Really is sad to see the site change. The boardwalk beer can pitching games can begin soon....

Haven't been there since fall, and was hoping to get out there this spring. So much for that idea.
Ok.... lets' start a pool.

1.) How long before one of the local rednecks starts a fire on or burns the boardwalk in any way? :rofl3:

2.) how long before one of the locals drives his vehicle (car, motorcycle, four wheeler, etc) off any part of the boardwalk and get it stuck? :rofl3:

Had nothing to do with me. I was just lucky enough to be diving with someone who knows how to handle a camera. The Admins at CDF just saw the pic and liked it I guess :) Can't say I blame em, who wouldn't enjoy such an awesome display of diving! :D

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