Mo2vation JANUARY 27, '07 Boat Dive planning thread - Peace

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Great pictures everyone! Ken, some of your links are broken (now they are all there...sorry), but love what I can see. What camera are you using now?
Great shots Mo2vation! You inspire me. I can't wait to start taking photos of my own!

CompuDude: Thanks for the horn shark video. I saw him out there too, and now I've been able to share the moment with my family. This was my first sea lion encounter as a diver, Do have any video of that? I would love to share it with my family as well.

HI CHAZZZ!!!! :D so great to see you posting! Now we'll get to know each other more! stay on the boards...k? :10:
Great pictures everyone! Ken, some of your links are broken, but love what I can see. What camera are you using now?

a big beuatiful monstrosity that I really really like! But don't telll MO2, m'kay peeps?
But don't telll MO2, m'kay peeps?

Great pictures everyone! Ken, some of your links are broken, but love what I can see. What camera are you using now?

PBase and SB just don't play well together.

Right click the Red X and select "Show Pictures" and they should fill in. If not, f5 and do it again.

Mark this day - one of the few times a woman asks what Camera I'm using. 99% of the time, its women asking where the shot was taken, what the critter is, etc. Guys don't care - its all about gear to most guys. :10:

You shoot, so you know: Good shots are NOT about the gear (Lance Armstrong: "Its not about the bike...") If a camera is doing its job, its not making great pictures - its staying out of the way so the artist can make great pictures. Its not about the rig.

That said: I'm using a Nikon D70, Ikelite housing and ports, Ikelite dual strobe tray, 2 Ikelite DS-125 strobes on two 5" arms Ike Arms (for Macro. for W/A I add in one 9" Ike arm on each side. Standard, not "flotation arms".) Ikelite Dual Synch cable. I will use the corona of my 21w HID as a spotting light for my night dives. A focus light is next on the docket, as the 105 could really benefit from one! I shoot all Nikon lenses: 60mm, 105mm for macros, and 12-14 for sealions and stuff that moves fast, and the 10.5 Fisheye for super W/A.

All gear eBay, except the strobes (Reef... Ryan rules) and the 12-24 (I'm a Nikon dealer.) Everything else is eBay or SB (Karl, you are still my hero!)

All shots on this trip were shot with the 105. All shots in RAW + Jpeg low. All shots shot on Manual (I set AP and Shutter) with strobes on either TTL or FULL, depending on conditions. Manual or Auto focus, depending on conditions and effect desired.

For Post, I copy all files to PC, then review the Jpegs, make my list of possible candidates, kill the other 90% of my shots and then move the remaining shots to a sub directory using the site name and date as the name of the directory. I open the keepers in Photoshop and cull out another 50% of them. I use Photoshop CS2 on the survivors for white balance, minor color corrections, light sharpening and manually picking out schmutz (I view each image at 200% and manually clean them up - takes 5 minutes on a clean image and an hour or two or three on a killer shot thats really dirty....)

On most W/A (and some larger Macros) I use Neat Image for removing digital noise, leveraging their proprietary D70 filters. I started shooting in RAW and using PS this August. The SeaBass series with 'Dette and Josh pushed me over to the dark side.

I rarely crop Macros - which means I get very close, brace solid (and pincushion my dry suit!), fill the frame, flood with light and shoot very fast - usually 1/400 to 1/500 of a second.

Ap (DOF) varies widely depending on subject matter. I shoot WFO for very furry nudis (or large subjects like the Shark or Ling Cod eye, or stuff with lots of deep texture), I shoot very narrow DOF for special effects shots (like the Island Kelp Fish or Loch Nax Monster from this trip) where I want to emphasize something (kelp fishy colorful eye or Nax Vacuum mouth, for exmples) and shoot medium DOF got about everything else. For the Kelp Fish - I figured everyone was shooting Kelp Fish on this trip, so I wanted to distinguish my shots from the other great looking Kelp Fish that we'll soon see. So I shot very narrow DOF. I just missed the focus spot I was trying to hit. Oh well.

For Macros - its all about Point of View (POV). I could ramble on for another page or two on why I believe 90% of the Nudi shots people shoot and post miss the mark. But suffice it to say, POV is everything in Macro.

The Wide Angles pull the most eMails, and generate the most OOH's and AHHH's - but my first love is for the stupid telescope Macro stuff.

I over-weight myself when I shoot, as I need to drop fast and brace solid for the stuff I do. My DS takes a beating. Actually, there's more AquaSeal than Tri Lam on it these days.

This is important: I couldn't do what I do without the worlds best photo dive buddy, Claudette. We're peers as divers, and both love the slow paced face-to-the-ground diving. She is patient, strong, fit, skilled, alert, attentive, a great spotter, appreciative and most of all loves the process. I mean the whole process - from planning, to attacking heavy surf with this rig as a team (both getting in and getting back out), to carefully looking out for the stuff I like to shoot and culling through the myriad subjects to point out some of the best. Many of my best shots we're spotted by her while I was shooting something else... she hovers, checks up on me, minds our deco and keeps her eyes open for the next shot. She is 51% of the reason my photos look they way they do.

Lastly - I like puppies, moonlit walks on the beach, honest people and pray for world peace.

That's about it. :eyebrow:

PBase and SB just don't play well together.

Right click the Red X and select "Show Pictures" and they should fill in. If not, f5 and do it again.

yeah, the 2nd time I visited the thread they were there....WOW! You and Claudette rock in spotting the cool stuff!

Mark this day - one of the few times a woman asks what Camera I'm using. 99% of the time, its women asking where the shot was taken, what the critter is, etc. Guys don't care - its all about gear to most guys. :10:

Just goes to show you I'm different :D

I'm using a Nikon D70, Ikelite housing and ports, Ikelite dual strobe tray, 2 Ikelite DS-125 strobes on two 5" arms Ike Arms (for Macro. for W/A I add in one 9" Ike arm on each side. Standard, not "flotation arms".) Ikelite Dual Synch cable. I will use the corona of my 21w HID as a spotting light for my night dives. A focus light is next on the docket, as the 105 could really benefit from one! I shoot all Nikon lenses: 60mm, 105mm for macros, and 12-14 for sealions and stuff that moves fast, and the 10.5 Fisheye for super W/A.

A far cry from your 5050 days ;)

All gear eBay,....

The master of eBay! :god: ....I still tell everyone that will listen how you helped me bid on the Zale Perry pictures :10:

This is important: I couldn't do what I do without the worlds best photo dive buddy, Claudette. We're peers as divers, and both love the slow paced face-to-the-ground diving. She is patient, strong, fit, skilled, alert, attentive, a great spotter, appreciative and most of all loves the process. I mean the whole process - from planning, to attacking heavy surf with this rig as a team (both getting in and getting back out), to carefully looking out for the stuff I like to shoot and culling through the myriad subjects to point out some of the best. Many of my best shots we're spotted by her while I was shooting something else... she hovers, checks up on me, and keeps her eyes open for the next shot. She is 51% of the reason my photos look they way they do.

Lucky you! Great to have a buddy like that

Lastly - I like puppies, moonlit walks on the beach, honest people and pray for world peace

:rofl3:......I knew you were a softie:10:
Janene and I want to add that we enjoyed being with you all, the diving and the company. The food was great. We look forward to many more mo2vation trips.
SoCalAngel, the March 17th Pt Lobos diving reservations are full. We were too late. Need to make other arrangements to meet.

The pics I took from Friday nights dinner are history, deleted, no longer in existance...:11:

If you havent re-formatted your card. Download a copy of photo rescue. You will be able to recover images deleted from long long ago. Probably best to not give this software your your wife/girlfriend or the legal department of your place of employment.
If you havent re-formatted your card. Download a copy of photo rescue. You will be able to recover images deleted from long long ago. Probably best to not give this software your your wife/girlfriend or the legal department of your place of employment.

You know when you plug in your camera to the computer it prompts you to view the pictures in a folder etc....I viewed the pics and deleted them by accident. But since the folder was directly linked to the camera, it deleted them off the card and nothing was left in the computer recycle bin. So I did not format the card by way of the camera...

Do you think this software might do the trick then? I'll give it shot if it will...:D

Thanks for the tip..:14:
You know when you plug in your camera to the computer it prompts you to view the pictures in a folder etc....I viewed the pics and deleted them by accident. But since the folder was directly linked to the camera, it deleted them off the card and nothing was left in the computer recycle bin. So I did not format the card by way of the camera...

Do you think this software might do the trick then? I'll give it shot if it will...:D

Thanks for the tip..:14:

My Olympus 5050 was famous for mis-handling images. Photo Rescus saved my images a number of times.

Its an excellent ap.


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