Thanks to all for a very fun dive event! I sure love our trips together! They sustain me.
Thanks also for allowing me to rush off the boat ASAP. I had to get to Laguna Hills pronto and it took over 3 hours. If you guys hadn't let me scoop up the first dock cart I never woulda made it. I was soooo late as it was!
Billy: I had to figure out what you meant by the triple lux but I think I know. My fins sure are kelp attractants! I used to have duct tape on the straps to keep the kelp out of them. I either need to fix that situation or take skating lessons! (Did you find a picture of a Tylodina fungina? If not, I have some on the gallery you can search and see.)
Mark: Thanks for the PDA program. Gosh, and I thought Tide Tool was my favorite program.
Kalani: A pleasure to see you as always.... When can we dive together again??? I will keep thinking of more cool things we saw. Thanks for lending me your torch for the cave. What a difference! And the more I think about that black stuff with the bird bones the more I wonder if it was hair instead of feathers.... Whatever it was, it was weird!
Laurel: I am so glad to see you in the water again!
All: I truly enjoyed seeing my long-time friends and meeting news one, too. You are all awesome! I look forward to seeing all your pix!
Jen: That island kelpfish and Porter's pic is very cool! I bet there will be tons of cool pix from everyone!
Whoops. I can't forget to thank Scott for his navigation back to the arch. Merci!