Middle TN SB'ers Get Together

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Hope everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday, and stay safe on New Year's Eve and Day....

Now, I think that so far the consensus is to have a simple meet and greet at a local refreshment establishment here in Nashville. If that sounds good, just sound off.... I also seem to recall that a Saturday afternoon was favored. And Redhatmama, I don't want to start a FEUD, it's just that Nashville is in the center, and if we have people coming from Memphis AND Chattanooga, then perhaps it makes sense to split the distance....

Does anyone have a specific date in mind?
Yes the meet and greet sounds fine to me. Maybe a Saturday sometime toward the end of Jan. or in Feb so everyone would have time to recover from the holidays.
Since no one seems to be willing to pick or suggest a date, how about the 28th? That's the last Sat. of the month.
28th sounds good for me, although I would much rather be in the Keys than Nashville :-(

Can't have everything though.....

Chime in people, I want to get a consensus....
The 28th works well for me. Just need a time and a place.

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