Message deleted. Really?

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I remember I had a post of mine deleted straightened me up and I fly straight now. Nothing but clean and halpful :D.

Hmm, not sure if it's going to be helpful if I point out that you misspelled "helpful" so I'll rather refrain lest my post gets deleted.
Yeah I know......"halpful" is an inside joke among a few :D.
I guess I needed to gripe.

I've found the advice useful, and humbly admit the err of my ways.

End of thread.
I remember I had a post of mine deleted straightened me up and I fly straight now. Nothing but clean and halpful :D.

Oh sorry Steve. I didn't mean to laugh. Your as hapful as the rest of us.
Diver Rick:
Some guy posted a message claiming to be a diver with 20+ dives, but goes on and asks "How deep can I dive without doing a deco stop?"

Remember Diver Rick, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Even when the question is TOTALLY F*CKIN' STUPID! :wink:
Actually SB is going to great lengths to hide what the MODs actually are. Why else would the Borg queen change her avdentity :idk:.....IJS

C'mon can't expect us to believe that......:wink:
It's a fine line we tread and we try not to be overly stodgy in our endeavor. We try to allow people to have fun, but not at other's expense.

However, should you ever question a Mod's discretion in editing/deleting any post or thread, feel free to drop a line to Cite the mod and the thread/post if possible and I will personally attend to it. Oh, there's nothing wrong with putting it into Site Support either: it's just not anonymous.
Hi NetDoc,

Is there another hidden ScubaBoard TOS?

The reason I ask is that when I post fully within the TOS, I have been banned from a thread where I did nothing wrong, and was the victims of a personal attack. Then, when I reported the violation of the TOS and reminded the poster who violated the TOS, I was banned from the thread.

It seems there is another "hidden or private" set of rules that says "if you are victim of an attack or a TOS violation, we will ban the victim if you try to enforce the TOS on your own".

I also manage a large technology forum. Our TOS is much stricter than ScubaBoard. We ban those who violate the TOS immediately (we will issue a private warning sometimes first) and we provide the reason.

There does seem to be an unknown (private) set of rules, because I have been banned from a thread where I did nothing wrong at all according to the TOS. I never attack anyone personally. I post objectively and my experience. I never "name names" when an experience is negative. However, I have been attacked here many times for having an opinion that someone disagrees with.

If there is another private TOS, then could we make it public so we can all understand the rules and "real" TOS? Maybe the TOS needs to be updated?

This is a great forum. However, the TOS and the mod actions on the TOS are quite different.

Please clarify!


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