Memorial Day Weekend, Falling Rock!

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What's your name Landshark44? I got my PADI open water at New Horizons. Are you going this weekend to the quarry?
My name is Jeff and I hope to be at the pavilion on Sunday. New Horizons will be doing a lot of certs this week-end so there should be plenty of people out and about. I just saw your profile and it says you were a student. If you took scuba at U.K. I helped with your class.
Yeah I remember now, you helped teach two of my group's classes. Justin and I will both be there Saturday and Sunday. Do you know what time they're meeting up there?
They usually arrive around 9 am but I haven't heard an exact time yet. I will probably arrive around 9 or so on Sunday (have to work on Saturday) and do a couple of dives. Since you are now a newly certified diver it is time to explore the quarry. You are more than welcome to dive with myself and my brother on Sunday or just myself if my brother doesn't show. I will be checking to see if Matt will be diving that day but there should be several of us to dive with.
Yeah....Should be a little over an hour and fifteen minute drive from Lexington.
My name is Jeff and I hope to be at the pavilion on Sunday. New Horizons will be doing a lot of certs this week-end so there should be plenty of people out and about. I just saw your profile and it says you were a student. If you took scuba at U.K. I helped with your class.

Hey Jeff!! Welcome to the board!! :wavey:

Thanks for letting me borrow the scooter on Sunday! I loved it! :sappy:
Keep a close eye on your equipment Jeff, Jen lusts after other divers gear!
Land Locked:
Keep a close eye on your equipment Jeff, Jen lusts after other divers gear!

:11: Chris!! You're not supposed to tell anyone that! :whack:

Jeff, don't pay any attention to Chris...he drinks!! Now where did you put those nice, shiny doubles??? :D

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