Memorial Day Weekend, Falling Rock!

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True Wally, they were there and they seemed nice enough. Kenny and I have
met them out there several times. Will they dive with us or even mention the
thought, I think not. Whom among us is meeting up with aspiring new divers and
allowing them to gain some experience by buddying with them? Will they remember
us when they move over to the dark side, some will and some won't.
I'm with you, I'm a recreational diver, I'm out for some fun. If I was going back into
some deep dark cave mapping out new trails for others or doing some heavy duty
technical wreck penetration with deco, sure the group religion makes sense.

Let's share our skills and experience with others!

I like my gear, I like my buddies, I don't care what diving philosphy you follow!
Let's get together and enjoy our sport, and keep it safe while we are "doing it
our way!"
how does a week from Sat sound and IF they say no then say see you and head north to France Park OR east to Natural Springs!!

I would say that they were hot...they were both sweating . :D

So my question is WHO told the Princess that she was being talked about? :confused: She hasn't logged on the boards for SEVERAL months. Now we know why the board has been acting up.
Sorry Princess but there is no way that anybody is going to tell me what to buy and how to dive. I like the idea of DIR, just not most of the people. I do have to say that the two that came by over the weekend are more like us.

It should be interesting when a group of us show up at BS with the email in hand and tell them that we can't afford write it off!! I think we might want to have a back up plan just in case. Maybe France Park? I know this Saturday is out for me. After that it might be getting a few off.
For the record, Chris was the first to say there were hunky DIR guys there... I was only following his lead!!! Hunky was his word not mine!!! :laughing:
Glad to see you guys were able to muster up and have a good weekend even without me :D
Well I liked the weekend and diving with you guys. Being a new diver it was sort of nice diving with a group around the boat and across to the police car. Hopefully we didn't ruin it for anyone else. I know I'd like to do it again and probably will after my daughter goes off to college at Coastal Carolina in August. Like I said Saturday I'm losing a buddy that will go diving with me when ever I we want so hooking up with this group is nice.

you will always have a buddy in this group, you just have to put up
with us! Let us know when you want to go diving!
Sorry Princess but there is no way that anybody is going to tell me what to buy and how to dive. I like the idea of DIR, just not most of the people. I do have to say that the two that came by over the weekend are more like us.
I agree as long as I am paying for my gear I feel it should be my choice as to what I buy. I was doing some reading on DIR and from what I see the reason they say that you should use a BP/Wings is because it is better and safer that is not true!! I feel that if you use your gear and are comfortable with it and take care of it then whatever brand OR style you use it what is best for you. I feel that alot of the gear the DIR's use can sometimes be a little much as I was always told don't take gear you won't need. so in day light in a shallow quarry you do not need 3 dive lights, a safety sausage, and reel!!! If you need a sausage for the boat to find you you have a problem and I feel that the only way you would need half the gear I see some DIRs carry is just to so they can say "Look at me I am DIR!!" well to that I say " And, what is your point??"
komi hunter:
so in day light in a shallow quarry you do not need 3 dive lights, a safety sausage, and reel!!! If you need a sausage for the boat to find you you have a problem and I feel that the only way you would need half the gear I see some DIRs carry is just to so they can say "Look at me I am DIR!!" well to that I say " And, what is your point??"

I love it. Now of course you need to remember that they both came back with one full tank and 1500 left in the other. So explain to me why you need two tanks. Good practice but please. I guess they were following rule number three...always look cool.

I can't say for sure about BS. I will email the "free pass" as soon as I finish this post.

BTW, for those who were waiting for the results of the video, good news & bad news. Good news is that I got some great video of the fish. Bad news is that the only three divers that I got any shots of are Komi, Jennifer and myself. Actually I think I might have a head shot of Chris as he popped over the edge of the New Yorker while chasing the bass.
I did learn a lot about video this weekend and made all kinds of adjustments after I got home and had some time to figure out what was wrong. Still haven't figured out why the monitor won't shut off via the LANC. The night is still young.
Let's cool the agency bashing, I get it a little upset when people bash
PADI. It's not the agency, it's the instructor and the divers mentality!
I'd like to dive with those guy's, I just know they prefer to dive with their
teams. They may have been out practicing skills for an upcoming trip,
you never know. So instead of flaming......LET'S GO DIVING!!!

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