Memorial Day Weekend, Falling Rock!

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So invite the beau, even if your both DIR, we do not discrimnate in our group!
I hope it can be said the other way! Just be sure to bring your scooters.
Land Locked:
So invite the beau, even if your both DIR, we do not discrimnate in our group

DIR will always welcome in the KPP as long as I am involved. :D :D so will everything else that is safe. :D :D

I also had a great time on Saturday. Sorry. I was totally knocked out after going back home early morning on Sunday... LOL~~~~.... I should have been on Sunday instead of Saturday. Min came back home today. We will go down soon.
Had my first appointment with my Physiatrist, it has helped me to over come my fear of bass. I can still see him jumping out of the water grabbing my finger. Hope to be better by Saturday....

Kenny you were taunting that bass...I saw it!!! :D :wink:

Penny, there were hot DIR guys there Sunday. Both were married but still nice to look at!!
Hey I was there Saturday.
Kenny you were taunting that bass...I saw it!!! :D :wink:

Penny, there were hot DIR guys there Sunday. Both were married but still nice to look at!!

I would say that they were hot...they were both sweating . :D

So my question is WHO told the Princess that she was being talked about? :confused: She hasn't logged on the boards for SEVERAL months. Now we know why the board has been acting up.
Sorry Princess but there is no way that anybody is going to tell me what to buy and how to dive. I like the idea of DIR, just not most of the people. I do have to say that the two that came by over the weekend are more like us.

It should be interesting when a group of us show up at BS with the email in hand and tell them that we can't afford write it off!! I think we might want to have a back up plan just in case. Maybe France Park? I know this Saturday is out for me. After that it might be getting a few off.
LOL~~~ I was there, too. I ddin't meet Jennifer though.....

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