Megadive O-5!

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I've found that when I feel really cruddy, getting out to someplace with fresher air always helps. If you do decide to bring hermit, bring an allergy med of some kind.
I'll be doing some hardcore dutch oven cooking! I am thinking of a stew or two, and a peach cobbler dumpcake! Hmmm, I still have a smaller dutch oven a friend loaned me, too.
Who knows what else will turn up.
A manatee stew, maybe?
*ColuRotter Casserole?
*(Columbian River Otter)

I'm also considering a real rum dump cake for you hardcore night stalkers.
Cajun accent: Jawjackin' round a far' mit da rum bollin' in dat der monkey oven.
Case ya be wunjrin, skalled a monkey oven cuz enny monkey kin cook'n one if'n ye keep the coals burning rite.

Gater stew ennybudy?
for those comming in friday, my son rick, will be coming in from Atlanta around 8pm Fri.for the weekend of camping and diving, as a nervous mother ,I ask you all to keep him out of trouble till I get there sat morning . He is a new diver, single, and goodlooking. SmoakAire said he would guide him, now that worries me.The wild leading the wild??

I'll take good care of him for you Madeline....... I am a mom too..... :D ! swear!

We just got two case of corn to throw on the fire (100 ears) and bringing the regular fixin'.

I do have to work in the morning, should be back at the dock by 1300, I'm hoping we will make it there before dark to pitch the tent.
Mah toes be a tinglin'! Aw crud! Feet done gone ta sleep agin. Thot eyes gitn sited bout tha vent.

I looked at the timer and realized that my weekend starts in under four hours! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of the gear is gathered and ready to roll. I have even separated everything into small boxes so things should be easier to find. I cleared out the CRV today, and have all the dive gear together. It shouldn't take me more than two trips to get everything there. I will have a large 30x40 tarp, a 12x24 tarp, a large four room vestibule tent, and a large cabin tent. Hopefully, all the parts are with the cabin tent. I have site prep tools and a 2x3 steel grill for the firepit. I'm picking up the fryer in the morning, and should have a basic site setup by 10 am if all goes well. Tonight at midnight will be the last time I can check the thread for info. If you need anything, call my cellphone. 352 281 4879
I am bringing the second tent for the express purpose of anyone who comes so late that they can't or don't want to setup in the dark. All you'd have to do is sling down some bedding and wait til dawn. I hope to have enough lighting that you should be able to see to pitch up. I may be up late getting breakfast stuff prepped, anyway.
Ok picked up a little extra something to spice up an otherwise Rum filled booze box - vodka and bourbon, not to be drunk together i might add. I have at least 5 large bags of chips, 90 cups, two large tins of beans and a partridge in a pear tree.

Does anyone have other storage beyond coolers that we can throw other food in to prevent animals (or Ken) snacking on overnight - was a problem on the fossiling camping trip a couple of months ago.

Should be there early enough, probably try to drop off the gear, set up tent quick and get off diving asap in the caves.
I was not present at the fossil event, and therefore could NOT have been late night snacking in the cooler! Now, that being said, it was, SCUBADILLA that's the guilty party at the Ginnie Megadives. Him and Ricky! I saw Ricky near the dried goods! Then again, he was wearing a mask, and they all look alike to me.
Dern critter ninjas!
Sounds like you Conchers are going to have a great weekend. Wish I could join my new friends, but I'll be heading to Roatan, Honduras this weekend. Yawl have fun now. :)
I just tried to get into my internet account with Bellsouth only to find that they cut IT as WELL as the phone on the 4th! I was supposed to STILL have that service as MANY of my business accounts and personal accounts have passwords based on that email addy! I had three different people confirm that I would be KEEPING the dial up access to maintain the email until at least the end of the year as there would also be a potential for reinstating the phone line once we moved. NOW, I am just hoping that they haven't deleted everything I have recieved and been unable to download in the last month, as I had some very IMPORTANT financial info in there that I needed! Needless to say, I will be a very UNHAPPY camper so to speak since I may have lost a LOT of valuable information due to IDIOTS!!!!!!! My major pet peeve: stupid/lazy people! Since I have many other things to get done tomorrow, this only adds to the frustration of not having closed on the house yet! Grrrrr!!! If you see me swimming towards an alligator during the weekend, only stop me to save the gator as I'll be trying to pick a fight worth fighting! :) At least that fight I might be able to WIN!!!!!

Anywho,......... signing off, if anyone else has problems/complaints/concerns,... I will not be back online until late Tuesday night. Call my cellphone. 352 281 4879. If for some braindead reason, Bellsouth decides to kill that too. Please leave a message for me at Ginnie Springs front desk for site #30. See y'all in the morning.
I need a drink, then some sleep!!!!!!!
Briskets rubbed and ready. My chicken legs are jerked.

This camping/ diving stuff is gear instensive! I have huge piles of gear here ready to load I think Kim and I could live for a month in Nepal with all this gear.. what is the turnpike overpass height again?.. 13'7"???


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