Megadive @ Ginnie!!!!!! May 5-7, 2006!!!!

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I'll try to be there. Have an Army thing comming up and don't know when it'll start. (Low tide in a sand box) Had a blast last time so keep your fingers (or whatever) crossed that the poweres that be will see life my way and schedule the world around my diving fix.
So, Andy, just how many exotic dancers are you bringing with you?

hahaha...exceedinlgy funny...

woud four suffice??


Well Andy does this mean you will attend and CAMP with us this year. :wink:

alas, no! my bad back won't let me do it.

did i say bad back? i meant wife...

my plan is to arrive friday night and camp, then stay there all saturday

i can't wait!
Bring an inflatable raft large enough to float Andy's tent on to send him down the river at midnight. Hmmm or we could tow and anchor him in the middle of the river. He'd be closer to Devil's Ear for caving. :wink:
(graciously cross-posted from the Fossil trip as well)

Hmmmm, wonder if we should whip out some of these for saturday night ...

The ballpark sandwich will include a hamburger topped with sharp cheddar cheese and two slices of bacon -- all between a "bun" made of a sliced Krispy Kreme Original Glazed doughnut.

If you can find a (loop)hole in your cardiologist's advice, calorie counters predict the monster will set you back about 1,000 calories and 45 grams of fat.

Major league *URP*!!!
Bring an inflatable raft large enough to float Andy's tent on to send him down the river at midnight.

i am far too clever for that. i'd strap tons of weight to myself to make sure
if you put me in a raft, it will sink... hahahahahaha! beat that


well.... let me think of Plan B

meanwhile, several thousand miles away, Andy wakes up

Andy: holy crap! this isn't Ginnie Springs! where am i?

Some guy: welcome to Mejico, senor... that sure is a nice raft you got...
Then he introduces himself as General C. Otter! The leader of the Columbian River Otter Liberation Brigade. He then asks you how you came to arrive at his luxurious hacienda WITHOUT his invitation. :2ar15smil
Are we there yet??????

Darn,it was just a mirage......

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