Megadive @ Ginnie!!!!!! May 5-7, 2006!!!!

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Okay Ken, first, congrats on the new addition, everyone should have a new television room...{what, wrong kind of addition??? Some secretary you are, shoulda caught that in the first dictation. You're fired. No I don't have a Trump complex. You're going to tell her what?!?! But we never...But...Okay you're rehired, but do your job or...oh never mind}

Sorry, just can't pay for decent hired help these days, congrats on the new baby, not to take away from your joy, but hopefully the wife and I will be making an announcement later this year ourselves.

Anyhow, We've gone from pencilled in to penned in. This date is perfect for us, and we are working on planning it out now as we speak. Can't wait to dive with you guys again. Anybody bribe the Otter Liberation Front yet?
You are welcome, just bring the rum! :D
You are welcome, just bring the rum! :D

Da rum...!!!!
Uffda ... :D

Jeano Beano're asking on May 8th, 2006 or later. :wink:

The way I plan things, show up anytime!
There is no RSVP required.
We're always happy to find a place for another camper/diver/swimmer/rum carrier.
Well, for those that drink anyway. I'm just glad ta see ya!
You are welcome, just bring the rum! :D

So if I want to come visit y'all all I need to do is bring some rum?

Regular or spiced?

Cruzan. :D
thats too bad, i was looking forward to meeting a few of yall. i got excited when you threw out the 2nd weekend as the date but then you changed it to the 1st weekend. oh well, ill be drunk at my old roommates wedding down in lakeland...
ill be drunk at my old roommates wedding down in lakeland...

if this is meant to garner sympathy, it ain't working

That weekend, you'll be drunk anyway, you just choose NOT to spend it drunk with us?!
THAT'S IT!!! Yer OFF my Christmas card list!!! What? what do you mean I don't have a Christmas car,... oh nevermind! Just know that we ain't happy yer ditchin' us!

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