Hey there everyone! I see I have been missing out on the fun! Well then, the only thing to do is make sure I am there at the M&G! And I'm bringing cooties too!
Thanks for the babysitting last year!

igtails: I will bring the fare this time, or leave the girl home... Actually, she should be with her dad that weekend so no worries. I wouldn't want to have to sensor the campfire! That's definitely the best part of the weekend!
So what time should I get there? 3am? Mitten, will you wait up for me? Keep the fire going? Can you give me some directions or should I stop at the bar again? I can't believe you lost my number...I thought you had it memorized by now!

So you still haven't washed those undies, really? Well...too bad your son isnt' so tall - I would have a dry suit by now! I am looking if anyone knows of a good deal. I prefer a suit that can hold my fins in place. It's really hard to dive when your fins are attached to the bootie that is hanging past your toes. :devious:
Looking forward to some more home brew! It was very good last year! Do you suppose anyone's bringing boxed wine this time? That seems to liven things up quite a bit...
I brought rice crispy treats last year and if I remember right they didn't go over too well. Any suggestions? Of course I'll also be bringing lip gloss in case anyone gets chapped...
As for cold - I am ALWAYS cold...but I dove semi-dry - 6.5 mil and did OK. My hands were the first to go numb about about 30 minutes. I had about 3 layers of fleece under my suit too. It was a warm weekend last year.
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone again! And breaking in the new people!