I'll have a tent similar to Ber's and a propane heater. I'll have some food, misc kitchen items, and who knows.
His heater is even bigger than mine, twice the size to be exact. I need to remember to get the zippers replaced on my tent walls before then!
Hey Robb, I can get you in on the deep sideI was going to run a plan on V-Planner software, print it out, let Mike examine my gear, log books and my TDI cards, and let him decide if if I am qualified. I don't really want to spend alot of time there, maybe 15 min. max using a 28%mix. In the stage bottles are, 1) 100%o/2 and 20 50-50 mix.
That is what I was thinking,

Ok I just spent the last hour reading through 23 pages of postings and now I'm really excited... You all sound like a great group of people and it looks like the weekend is an awesome time! As i've mentioned before in some other postings i'm newly certified, really interested in diving and would love to meet people in the sport. I just got certified about two weeks ago finishing my open water dives in West Palm. Most of my questions were answered reading all the posts as I see there will probably be other newbies. I own all of my equipment so I'm all set, just got to get a 7mm wetsuit as I only bought a 3mm for florida. My only concern about coming down there is the fact that i'll be on my own and won't have a dive buddy. Is that an issue? Does everybody just dive in a group or will I be out of luck when it comes to diving.... Can I just use the blow-up dive buddy? LOL.... BTW, I do have family that works at a cheesecake company in Chicago so I can bring a variety.... maybe that will win me a dive buddy... LOL
We LIKE new divers! Done any cold water diving yet? It's almost a different sport and we'll be sure to break you in right

Here's how the dive buddy situation works; when you're ready to dive you say "Anybody want to get wet?" (or something similar) and invariably someone is ready OR you speak up when someone else asks the same question

Hit the "m-quote" button every time you read a post you want to quote. When you get to the last one you wish to quote hit the "quote" button. You can go back and remove an "m-quote" from the last post and replace it with "quote" if you were happily "m-quote"-ing along and missed the post you should have put "quote" on.I got to learn to use that multi quote reply feature. This reply after reply as I skim through 3 pages of new posts is for the birds!
(Good grief that's a mouthful!)
Ber :lilbunny: