May 1-2 Weekend: Official Roster

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Maybe we should make the story a requirement for when we have a group dive and 10 or more people show up. Then Angie can also tell the story of the guy who stapled himself......... LOL
Well, in the spirit of Saturday morning, I remembered a story that should give those naked scuba folks the shivers (well, the guys, at any rate!). Here's the link:

And from this site (
I found the following note concerning safety sausages:

The Anatomy of a Safety Sausage
Although safety sausages and surface markers come in an array of sizes, shapes, and colors, the basic safety sausage has a rather simple design...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Gee thanks Grier (I think)
Just didn't want to conversation to lapse...
Ya know one of the best things about diving with you is the SI!!!
The Anatomy of a Safety Sausage
Although safety sausages and surface markers come in an array of sizes, shapes, and colors, the basic safety sausage has a rather simple design..I couldn't have said it better myself.-Grier

I could!.. First,Give your OK signal. Do however make sure the OK signal is returned. Once this is accomplished, reach for your sausage, unwrap and hold it upwright (ask for assistance and oral inflate!!) :eyebrow:
If there is any doubt or significant distance between you, deploy your sausage this will increase your visibility and makes you easier to spot. Of course avoid waiving it, for this means you are in distress. Although sausages are not your only option, they are a starting point, and are certainly required. Before you depart on your next adventure, check your equipment and your dive destination, and remeber practice, practice practice... :wink:
Well, guys- time for me to chime in & tell you all thanks for a great time, too. I spent today watching the Air & Sea show & haven't had a moment to get to the board. Glad I pulled up on my dive- I don't regret it at all but I'm also glad that I got to spend some time getting to know you all- Jenny, of course I've known since I started diving & I've had the pleasure of diving with Grier before ( I'll dive with you anytime bud!) but to put some faces with the names- Andy, Oliver, Angie, Rick, the "captain" & his lovely wife- was an absolute pleasure!! special thanks to Rick and Angie for putting it all together for us- I've gone out with Brian before & should have been as smart as they were about listening to him!! Next week I'll be back out with him in a suit that doesn't give me "fits" & I'm sure it will be awesome, but if Brian shows the least bit of reluctance.....:wink:

Good Grief! Talk about your "blonde" moments!! I just re-read my post from last night after a day spent at the Air & Sea Show & a night spent at a party & realized that I omitted the "trooper" of the bunch- Rebecca. Had to hand it to her- sheer tenacity when it came to going on those dives & her husband Chris, well, suffice to say that he was an abosolute gem in his support for her. I especially liked the way they took the housing down on the first dive to test before putting the camera in for the second dive. :wink:

And yet MORE blondeness....Sorry Joe! You were great! :wink:
I had a really great time with all of you. I hope to dive with y'all again soon, not only was the dive good but so was the advise. I had been suffering from headaches after almost every dive but thanks to the advise of grier and andy, I successfully completed two dives with no headaches. In classes they tell you to control your bouency by controled breathing. After talking with my heros I noticed that I was not totaly exhailing, causing me to retain toxic levels of co2.. Thanks guys!!!!!!
Joe diver1:
I had a really great time with all of you. I hope to dive with y'all again soon, not only was the dive good but so was the advise. I had been suffering from headaches after almost every dive but thanks to the advise of grier and andy, I successfully completed two dives with no headaches. In classes they tell you to control your bouency by controled breathing. After talking with my heros I noticed that I was not totaly exhailing, causing me to retain toxic levels of co2.. Thanks guys!!!!!!

Man, you forgot me, what's up with that????

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