Maui County Delivers Final Blow

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So...Want to check out my artwork while you're here?
The thing about buying ocean-related art is that it always makes me want to go diving afterward so I can view firsthand the artist's inspiration...

Stay tuned...someone somewhere told me of something called a loophole. Imagine if there were loopholes here?

Forgot to mention earlier... for a guy that was part of the group criticizing me and Mark for using the loophole of not charging for beach activities, now that your ability to do what you love is threatened, the tables sure turned quickly!
Could someone tell me the differences between the "old rules" and the "new rules"? I read through the document...but since I don't live in Maui, I am not familiar with how this restricts activities (compared to before). Just curious.
Part of me wants to ignore what you just said Kris and I probably should but you know what? I'm kind of in defensive mode right now. I really must know...Why do you hate me Kris? Why do you like to 'push my buttons' so much? (Who else has noticed this?) Is it just your nature and you just can't help yourself? What is it?

As far as I know, there are no other dive instructors/dive masters or dive shop owners here on Maui who talk to me or about me like you do. You never even went on a dive with me or got to know me other than a quick one or two sentence 'how ya doin?' 'Conditions are good' at the beach. Just because you don't like my website or something else about me you really have no idea who I am and it's uncool that you keep saying things like this.

As far as these rules go...It's not just me, it's many CORA businesses that will suffer, it's all the trickle down money that will no longer trickle down through our local economy. It's the future dive instructors who will never have the chance that I had. I have twenty-six years invested in SCUBA. Twelve here on Maui and I followed all their rules all along. I put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces and stimulated my communities economic growth by my own actions. Now they are doing this and it's not right. They are also jeopardizing peoples safety and that is unacceptable to me.

I will continue to dive as long as I am able. Maybe I will be forced out of business. It will not be just me who suffers the consequences of that. I have taken thousands of divers on thousands of dives over the years and I can't recall a single complaint about me....except from you. I'd appreciate it if you would knock it off man. I am a citizen of Maui, USA. To my knowledge you are not. When a foreign hoale boy like you comes to these islands and starts telling the locals how they should run things it is not always welcomed. When you go around undercutting established business professionals by saying you will offer services for free, (but a tip would be accepted and appreciated but not necessary, *wink*), you are stepping on toes. When you used the county beach parks to teach your free lessons you were perceived by the general public as a CORA operator even though you are not and you contribute to the perception that our beaches are overcrowded and being taken over by CORA and that does not help us legal CORA people at all.

I've heard the locals say this and you would be wise to pay attention: More eyes and ears, less mouth.
Finally, at 1:36 pm we get the first official notice from Parks Dept. with the 'good news''s called "The Compliance Time Line"...kind of catchy huh?

Here's what they sent out today. I suppose it calls for a sigh of relief and we have dodged yet another bullet for a while...

I wonder when the compliance time line will show up? Anyone? They sure seem to like to hang us off the balcony for a while before telling us the truth. This is pretty much par for the course with that would think we'd all be used to it by now. :shakehead:

For those who are interested, here's what they said today:

Aloha All,

The Rules of Practice and Procedure for Commercial Ocean Recreational Activity Permits (Rules) will take effect on September 1, 2009.

The Rules, as adopted, are posted on the County of Maui website at Maui County, HI - Official Website - CORA []

The Department acknowledges the need for a transition period from September 1, 2009 thru June 30, 2010 for implementation and enforcement of the Rules.

To ease this transition and ensure clarity of this enforcement a Compliance Time Line is being created to identify the deadlines for compliance thru this period. Items such as designated parking and the environmental protection and cultural awareness program, among others, will be on the Compliance Time Line. Until that time, please continue to operate as you have. Please note that arrangements and preparations should be made to ensure that you are able to comply by the deadlines set forth in the Compliance Time Line.

We appreciate the support and cooperation that we have received from many of you. Should you have questions, you may call 270-8070. We have been experiencing some difficulties with the phone lines since our office move to Kahului Community Center, but we are working to resolve this issue.

Thank you.


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Maui County, HI - Official Website []

Wow, that sounds so nice and cuddly, doesn't it? It's really some fabulous spin on the part of the county to placate us and make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The fact is this: The mayor has signed these rules into place effective this coming Tuesday. Without telling any of the CORA operators. Now, does the county really have the power to say, "this is the law of the land, but we're going to enforce it incrementally"? Are these the rules effective on Sept. 1 or are they not????!
Hi Doug,

I wish I had something useful to suggest in this situation, but sadly I'm at a complete loss about where to even begin to counter this type of ruling.... I've lived here since 1970, and the frequent idiocy of our elected officials and their appointees nevers ceases to amaze me.

With much Aloha and my Very Best wishes: Hang in there Maui Ohana.
I'm with Scuba Sista......

Since PADI moved to digital versions of the instructor manual (updated every year when you pay your dues) I have had my old paper manual in the closet since my IDC and have rarely glanced at it. Everything I need (updated I might add) is in the digi version and available on PADI's website.

So, what I'm proposing is a manual drive..... I'm calling it "BOOKS for CROOKS"

I can call upon all of my instructor friends here on the island to give me their old paper copies..... anyone who has seen one knows they are stuffed to the gills and weigh about 6 pounds. In return, I will provide them with updated 2009 Digital Instructor manuals if they don't already have one.

The effert here is 2-fold.

1) To collect so many manuals that the back of my Ranger is full!

2) To make sure that all Oahu instructors have a new copy that they can then store on their computer and refer to the latest standards.

Sounds like a win-win..... clean out some space on the old bookshelf and help bury the county office with old PADI instructor manuals.

My only problem is getting them to Maui...... Superferry? No, let's not go down that road. OK, guess I'll have to fly over and do a week of diving with Doug. I'm going to need a few of those very large duffel bags (any of our armed service members want to loan me one or two for the flight??

And now all dive professionals on Oahu..... the pledge line is open. BOOKS FOR CROOKS has begun..... please pass this along to anyone at the professional level. We'll take DM books, Instructor Guides, Encyclopedias, IDC training guides etc. If it's for the dive professional, we want em!

Who's spearheading the campaign on the other islands? Bueler, Bueler?

I'm with Scuba Sista......

Since PADI moved to digital versions of the instructor manual (updated every year when you pay your dues) I have had my old paper manual in the closet since my IDC and have rarely glanced at it. Everything I need (updated I might add) is in the digi version and available on PADI's website.

So, what I'm proposing is a manual drive..... I'm calling it "BOOKS for CROOKS"

I can call upon all of my instructor friends here on the island to give me their old paper copies..... anyone who has seen one knows they are stuffed to the gills and weigh about 6 pounds. In return, I will provide them with updated 2009 Digital Instructor manuals if they don't already have one.

The effert here is 2-fold.

1) To collect so many manuals that the back of my Ranger is full!

2) To make sure that all Oahu instructors have a new copy that they can then store on their computer and refer to the latest standards.

Sounds like a win-win..... clean out some space on the old bookshelf and help bury the county office with old PADI instructor manuals.

My only problem is getting them to Maui...... Superferry? No, let's not go down that road. OK, guess I'll have to fly over and do a week of diving with Doug. I'm going to need a few of those very large duffel bags (any of our armed service members want to loan me one or two for the flight??

And now all dive professionals on Oahu..... the pledge line is open. BOOKS FOR CROOKS has begun..... please pass this along to anyone at the professional level. We'll take DM books, Instructor Guides, Encyclopedias, IDC training guides etc. If it's for the dive professional, we want em!

Who's spearheading the campaign on the other islands? Bueler, Bueler?


Hey Gabe can I send you mine? I hate to pitch it but it takes up space and collects dust! (Hey, that reminds me did the 2009 digital copy get mailed out from PADI? I didn't get it! Going to PADI's website now.)
The thing about buying ocean-related art is that it always makes me want to go diving afterward so I can view firsthand the artist's inspiration...


Know what you mean! I've put in some new shelving in my dive room and painted the walls. The color reminds me of being in tropical water at 80'.


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