You said you already had that down.wreck, nav, deep, u/w ph
Sounds like a plan.
Interestingly, nobody tried to sell me hard on the PPB
I took it because my OW was, IMHO, deficient in that area. I hit a boat in Roatan with like four 10 minute dunks in a shallow mud puddle with 2'-4' viz (which freaked me the frack out) as my only underwater experience outside the pool. Drove the DM crazy the first day and a half using the elevator buttons on my BCD as the only way I knew to go up or down. And was out of air at 35 minutes of an hour-long dive so I played solo diver and popped up to the surface (we were never that far from the boat and he knew I was going). There was a new OW class on the boat that finished up noon of second day and so we commenced the AOWing cert.
First AOW "adventure" was buoyancy because I so badly needed it. As soon as we finished AOW, we finished the PPB specialty. Don't consider that I had real good buoyancy control with those two buoyancy specialty qual dives, but it was a good basic platform that I refined greatly over the next 15-20 dives. Should that have been nailed in OW? IMO, yep. But the curriculum really doesn't allocate a lot that much time to it. At least in my class.