Yeah, that's probably true. They did react pretty quickly, and set up an organization to get the word out and start encouraging divers to harvest. Currently no fishing license is required if harvesting lion fish with certain gear. No bag limit or size limit, and they even allow harvesting from MPAs in some sanctioned events.I think you are probably luckier in Florida when it comes to common sense. IDK, it seems like when the lionfish thing first hit all the rules to get them were effective immediately. They had derbies, restaurants could serve them, etc. Here it would have been 10 years of study and then a bunch of red tape to make anything happen…at a glacial pace.
Also, it doesn't hurt that they are really tasty. While restaurants can serve them, they still seem to be fairly rare on the menu.
I know at least some urchin are edible, but I've heard mixed reviews on how they taste, so getting them on the menu may be a more difficult task.