Mask Search - Alternative to Omer Alien

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The Cosmicist

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I've set about finding a better fitting mask and ordered four smaller "spearfishing/freediving" masks, none of which fit: Omer Alien, Aqualung Technisub Micromask, Mako Minimus, and the Cressi Calibro.

I scuba dive, swim laps in scuba masks, and eventually will try free diving. I like the idea of a smaller, low profile mask... I currently do everything in a Hollis M1, which is comfortable and seals decently, but it is objectively too wide for my face. My backup mask is a ScubaPro D Mask, but that presses into my brow so I don't wear it when diving.

The Omer Alien was perfect except for the nose pocket. When I put the Alien on it was an "aha" moment... It sealed almost without any inhale (snorkel stuffed in mouth) and felt like it was made for my face. I about saw the light... Until I felt the underside of my nose being squashed. The nose pocket is shaped for a pig, or Michael Jackson, or someone else with an upturned nose... It's not flat on the bottom, but angled sharply upwards. Does anyone know of a mask that has a similar (or same) fit as the Omer Alien that also sports a normal-shaped (large would be nice) nose pocket with a flat bottom?

Thanks for the tips. I know I have to try them on... I'll go through that hassle. I'd like suggestions from people who've tried on/used the Alien and other masks. I tried on literally 20-25 masks before finding the M1 as a decent fit, so what's another 20 to find the "perfect" fit? :D
I currently do everything in a Hollis M1, which is comfortable and seals decently, but it is objectively too wide for my face.
"Objectively"? What does that mean? The M1 is my mask, too. It's a low-volume mask that seals and is comfortable, which I had until now thought was all anyone could ask for. Is there more to consider?
You ordered in four masks just to try them on?! Even if you live inland your dive travels will take you past any number of big dive shops. Drop in and try on every mask hanging on their big wall of masks. You can do one every five seconds or so, 200 in 15 min. The perfect mask to fit your mutant face is out there.
"Objectively"? What does that mean? The M1 is my mask, too. It's a low-volume mask that seals and is comfortable, which I had until now thought was all anyone could ask for. Is there more to consider?
Relax... I'm just asking for tips! Not trying to make you waiver in your commitment to your M1. :)

I can clarify what "objectively" means, if you really need that. When I put on the Omer Alien, it literally almost sealed without any inhalation. Snorkel in, tip head back, feel around the edges of the skirt... Pretty much no gaps, etc. In fact, with my head back I can inhale through my nose and it will seal by itself - without my hands pushing on the mask at all. That's what I would consider a real fit for my face. Well, besides the nose pocket.

When I do the same test with the M1, I sense daylight out of the corners of my eyes from the sides of the mask, and there's a gap around my cheekbones/nasal area. It's too wide. But when I press enough, it will conform enough to create a good seal. It's just wide and bulky for my face - "not optimal" is maybe a good phrase. It does leak sometimes. It works, but there has to be something better out there. Well, hopefully...My face is kind of like a blue shark's haha. @Jonn Or your avatar haha... "mutant face" made me laugh.

Is it a bit of goldilocks? Sure, if you want. I guess it depends on "fit". What does that mean?

And since I swim laps and will free dive, it would be nice to have a mask that fits better and is physically smaller. With everything out there, it doesn't hurt to ask for some tips and see if I can get something better.
You ordered in four masks just to try them on?! Even if you live inland your dive travels will take you past any number of big dive shops. Drop in and try on every mask hanging on their big wall of masks. You can do one every five seconds or so, 200 in 15 min. The perfect mask to fit your mutant face is out there.

Last year, I drove 4 hours and spent a whole day visiting dive shops just to find the M1. I tried on every single mask each shop had. I probably undercounted with 20-25... Not trying to win a "weird face" contest here. And none of them had any of the ones I just ordered.The local dive shops near me are not broadly stocked, we'll say. You have a choice of 10 ScubaPro masks or nothing. Which, to be fair, is probably enough for normal people.

Anyone have any mask suggestions for my mutant face?
Ah, the "holy grail" search. I'm thinking that even when you find a mask you believe is better than the M1, the Omer and others you have tried, you will continue to try more masks, in a possibly never-ending quest. I have seen similar holy grail quests for fins. But hey, if you enjoy it ...!
Ah, the "holy grail" search. I'm thinking that even when you find a mask you believe is better than the M1, the Omer and others you have tried, you will continue to try more masks, in a possibly never-ending quest. I have seen similar holy grail quests for fins. But hey, if you enjoy it ...!

Well, in that case… Could you tell me my future? Will my son be happy and safe, will Russia absorb Ukraine, will we ever find Atlantis?

Anyone want to be helpful and more kind? It’s really not difficult to be kind. I expect more from a mod and staff member.
Just do what Michael did.

At least this was funny.
Well, in that case… Could you tell me my future? Will my son be happy and safe, will Russia absorb Ukraine, will we ever find Atlantis?

Anyone want to be helpful and more kind? It’s really not difficult to be kind. I expect more from a mod and staff member.
Okay, I apologize. Though meant in good fun, it could be interpreted as unduly snarky.

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