Major League Vortex Meet/Dive - Oktoberfest

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Going to have to think on this one.. the jury is out but it's leaning to the fact that I am a good little southern gal but not a warm water wuss !!!
Fear not!
Vortex is 68 F (20 C) 365¼ days a year.
While that ain't exactly "ice-water" it ain't "warm" either.
Rick :)
Penciled in :) I'll be attending, beer, sausage, and all :D
OK got the RED ink and drew lines through DOG days ya'll win... beer, and food, and diving what more can you ask for!!!
Sounds like this Dive Meet is getting better by the day. I will definately bring some good german beer! :wink:

Tauchen, drinken, und essen, da kan man nicht mehr fragen!

Diving, drinking and eating, can't ask for more then that! :D

Also we need to make sleeping arangements, is everyone going to pitch a tent or do some people want to go in on a dorm. They sleep 6 to 8 people I think, bunkbeds. I am open for sugestions.
I'm going to have to pass on this one, already have made commitments for that weekend. Ya'll have fun.

I'm going to have to pass on this one, already have made commitments for that weekend. Ya'll have fun.

We'll miss you Matt. :06:
Maybe next time.
I'm going to have to pass on this one, already have made commitments for that weekend. Ya'll have fun.


Arg! We need you ATL dudes to make more of a showin :) Vortex Oktoberfest only comes up once.... er... twice a year! :D I'll bring an extra sixer of Turbodog for ya.
Well, I will try to scour the ponds up this way and drag a few wayward divers from Atlanta down to the fest.

Jurgen, the bunkhouse sounds fine to me since my tent is unavailible, Ill split in on it!!

Bring your own linens, the bunks dont have any for anybody that is interested....

Hoss, When did your name change to HoZe? Do you pronounce it like San Jose or garden hose? :D

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