Photography makes you an advanced diver because you learn:
1) To multi task. Stay still, look, press button
2) Reduce silt. Because turbid water creates backscatter.
3) Situational awareness. You can find all the macro creatures around you.
4) Self reliance. Because while doing #3, you'll probably loose your buddy (new divers only)...

Okay, okay, I'm just BS'ing...
The non-politically correct reason most agencies created AOW is to expose new divers to other areas of diving in a compartmentalized fashion. Things that at one time were covered in OW were easier to break up and do separately, thereby shortening the required time to teach OW. It has also became a great way to sell gear to new divers.
On my way up the scuba professional ladder, gear sales and product positioning while teaching classes is covered. It's not a bad thing, it's what keeps our niche activity alive and manufacturers in business. As consumers we are constantly bombarded by many forms of product placement and sales pitches. Scuba is no different.
So, yeah, AOW, in many respects isn't about having "ADVANCED" skills (come on, SSI requires 25 dives --- PADI less) it's about exposure and generating sales.
With that said, I'd still recommend it for the beginning diver, just don't think that really makes you an "ADVANCED" diver -- that term is relative.