Looking for permanent buddy

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Still not buying this.......we need to get you off the island more. Maybe, we should put you on one of the new reality shows.

In all fairness, I know that your location can be a problem. Recently, I spend most of my time in Key Largo. One of the qualifications for a single man around here is that he has his own teeth.

Good luck in your search. That special person will come along when you leasst expect it.
Good luck. You'll need it.

Hint: Get away from the computer, Go out and find a lady.
inletsurf- apparently the fact that this thread was initiated with a sense of humor escaped you. However, I could go outside on a day like yesterday, walk down the entire three blocks of Front Street in my town, and not see a single eligible woman.

Heh, heh... was your graphic suggesting you have the personality of Simon?

Dr. Bill
No. I just selected it randomly. But now, a thought on how selective you sound after reading your posts in this thread, you and Simon can be compared easily. Both of you are way over-critical on personality and even more vain traits such as beauty and whether the woman dives or not?

Diving is so trivial in selecting a partner. Anyone can do it if they want to, I mean come on. Face it: Either you have to find another marine biologist who dives just as much as you do, that you find attractive and just as smart as you, to meet your criteria. Now what are the odds of you finding someone to meet all of the above? To broaden the odds, which of the criteria (which I collected from the past couple of posts of yours) would you choose to eliminate?

If you're being truthful about not finding any eligible women on any given day, then I actually do feel bad for you. Then I saw your homepage. Now you have my complete sympathy.

Just kidding :D nice work on your homepage and I do see the humor there. Anyway, I know I'm trying to talk logic to a Dr. of Marine Biology, so I already know the obvious is redundant. But remember this: diving isn't everything. It's only one 'sport' in a huge world of adventure.

PS go to Costa Rica. There you will find many many eligible women. Well, eligible for at least a week.
inletsurf - if the Cubbies keep winning, maybe I can forego a woman in my life for another week or two.

Diving is a critical factor for me because of the frequency with which I do it. Note that most of the other criteria are not required, but merely add frosting to the cake. Intelligence, personality, sense of humor and diving are among the primary criteria.

Thanks for your comments on the web site. I need to update it as it's been a long time.

By the way, ladies... if you've been scared off by the diving conditions on Catalina (rather than me), it looks like we are finally seeing some clearing. At least 40 ft vis yesterday for most of my time underwater. Don't be concerned about coming out to the Point now!

Dr. Bill
drbill once bubbled...
Since this is a forum for issues that are important to women, I think the following post should be acceptable. If not, the moderators can move it to Scuba Humor if necessary.

Due to a dive incident related to my unwise choice of diving solo to 70 ft without my usual pony bottle (http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37780&perpage=15&display=&pagenumber=1), some SB members have suggested I consider a permanent dive buddy instead of continuing my solo career (after some 800 such dives).

So I'm now looking for a permanent buddy. Qualifications: Active diver for whom SCUBA is a passion; able to do 3-6 cold water dives each dive day; strong interest in marine ecology and underwater video or still photography a plus; skilled in Adobe Premiere editing helpful; highly intelligent; good sense of humor; financially secure to ensure support of starving marine biologist's research and international dive needs (he contributes permanent land base with a view on Catalina Island as well as his scintillating personality); interest in global dive travel especially during long, hard California winters; preferably long dark hair (no blonde roots please); Asian or Eastern European ethnicity a plus but not required; slender and fit; and of the female persuasion.

Apply through PM! Soon... I'm diving Friday!!

Dr. Bill

Plus she must be in a postion to buy her own bar in Avalon, and an avid student of the advanced pleasrues, right? :teeth: Can I interview your rejects?:gjoker: SueMermaid is cute enough that I'd suggest auditioning a blonde; too bad she was a not show. Seems to a be a typical female thing...?

Victoria once bubbled...
...do you Mr. Bill...brains, beauty, diving... you want to extend that list any further?!?

:D :D :D

Hey - Bill!! This lady is really cute, degreed in biology, in the travel business, and probably young enough to keep up with you. :buggy:

Well, I think you should have every right to consider every female response to this thread a ligitimate tease.

don :pirate:

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