Dandydon- No question that Victoria is one attractive lady, SueMermaid too. I think age would be a stopper with the former and transcontinental travel latter.
Now, ladies. I had an excellent dive with a woman instructor today who is intelligent, very pleasant to look at and a diver but meets few of the other "qualifications." I enjoyed myself! Of course one of the qualifications she doesn't meet is "single" so there's no hope there.
Come enjoy our greatly improved visibility on Catalina! Just ask Mo2vation and Arnaud who I also dived with today.
Dr. Bill
Now, ladies. I had an excellent dive with a woman instructor today who is intelligent, very pleasant to look at and a diver but meets few of the other "qualifications." I enjoyed myself! Of course one of the qualifications she doesn't meet is "single" so there's no hope there.
Come enjoy our greatly improved visibility on Catalina! Just ask Mo2vation and Arnaud who I also dived with today.
Dr. Bill