Looking for advice on diving CCR around Puget Sound

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from what I am reading is that having a DPV opens up the options. I do have my genesis but have been debating if I want to build a fill station or just have a couple more sets of 3L.
You kinda need a DPV since there are basically zero charters worth using here. Or your own boat and legit boating skills, or both
Shrugs good luck with that. You ever even done Long Island wall? Know how long slack is at Cattle Pass?
I'm just adding a bit of topographical context to what one of the other the local young gunners just AI'ed up as a weekend dive plan 🚀👏🏼

Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 21.41.59.png

Puget Sound / SJI / B.C. is like a Komodo with really cold murky water 🎉
Mod 2 (to 60m) in pink and Mod 3 (to 100m) in orange
OceanGate was onto something? 🥲


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