Looking for advice on diving CCR around Puget Sound

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@grantmac most people are busy on Whidbey getting used to the tides, and working in DPVs. Most of the avid divers don't do deco anymore and became photographers. The Anacortes shop used to have multiple boat charters for the San Juans, but the captains all retired.

The tech approach can add safety. I spent 30+ minutes just hanging out on a rock at the bottom of Deception Pass once waiting for the slack. Seemed safer down there!
@grantmac You will need to find a tec oriented shop in Everett or Seattle. Anacortes Divimg will not get anywhere near anything that lools like tec.
Anacortes filled my twins (when I still had some), and even boosted my CC O2 cylinders for a while!
Even got on one of their old SJI boat outings with a twin HP100's once.
But yeah Evergreen Dive Service

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