Choosing my first rebreather SF2 vs JJ

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well its downright tiny as full sized CCRs go, only 2.2kg. Not a super critical issue in very warm waters but its terrible for <5C kinds of conditions

Yup 2.2kg is pretty sad. This is where the larger radial scrubber options like the JJ or the ingenious Revo rotating scrubber really shine
Yup 2.2kg is pretty sad. This is where the larger radial scrubber options like the JJ or the ingenious Revo rotating scrubber really shine
If you're going to have a full sized CCR at least put a full sized scrubber in it 5.5lbs/2.5kg+
what's the typical scrubber duration for a 2.5kg sorb?
what's the typical scrubber duration for a 2.5kg sorb?

Rule of thumb is 1 pound per hour. But, that varies GREATLY based on many factors, including diver workload, water temperature, and other things.

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