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But Scuba Chix still has a "Share" link . . . so the Opt-in counts only for Surface Interval?

I'm pretty sure SC is viewable without being a member, but you can't post without it. Same as DNY. I'll have to test it though to be sure.
I already posted the answer to this.

What's the difference? I can do a screen capture of a post and put it on . I can post a link on twitter... Do you have an expectation of privacy for posts made in a public forum?

ScubaBoard is not a private forum. It is in fact viewed by more than 20,000 people daily. ScubaBoard is in the top 30,000 websites in the world. What kind of privacy do you expect? Our privacy policy protects your personal information that you've entered into your profile, like your email address. Posts made on a public forum are in fact public.

No need to get defensive, Howard. I'm just trying to ascertain the depth of my ignorance on the ease of cross-sharing here.
I'm pretty sure SC is viewable without being a member, but you can't post without it. Same as DNY. I'll have to test it though to be sure.

Yes. DNY is publicly viewable.

No need to get defensive, Howard. I'm just trying to ascertain the depth of my ignorance on the ease of cross-sharing here.

Should we make it hard? Why??
Does one have the ability to turn off the notification of "Like"?
Should you make it easy? Why?

I don't have to tell you why. I think its obvious. But this debate is over. It is not going away. Have a nice day.
I don't have to tell you why. I think its obvious. But this debate is over. It is not going away. Have a nice day.

Just like I don't have to tell you why it should be harder. Why, then, ask the question? In fact, why attack me at all?

I'm asking questions, Howard, that's all.
Does one have the ability to turn off the notification of "Like"?

Crickets chirping . . . .

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