I requested the email exchange via private message. The emails were sent and have been read.
Accepting that the emails have not been altered, I will state the following 2 things:
@SergeyKirikov did not seem to receive the initial response he was hoping for from LM, and he escalated the tone of what he wrote quite early in the exchange, being quite demanding and threatening. He contacted them with a concern that they responded to....he did not like the response...perhaps he should have been clearer with the the resolution he was looking for before lobbing accusations and threats, as at first what he was expecting was unstated. It is also apparent that English is not his first language and therefore there are some langue and cultural barriers present on both ends in the exchange that took place.
2. Corey's pejorative response was quite out of line from a business perspective. In business, your bad day is your competition's good day. A good experience is only spoken about a few times but a bad experience is a story retold at every opportunity. While Sergeykirikov was quite demanding and a bit confrontational early on...some of that, I would bet, is cultural and due to the language barrier and some of it might have been out of frustration with their perception of the product...doesn't really matter as I don't think it would have been hard for LM to have found a better way to deal with this situation, but I can't, for the life of me, find a business situation that ends positively for anyone when the business rep (owner or employee) calls the client/customer "you are a whiny bitch idiot".
Not sure whether the exchange will have a material affect on LM...most likely not given that they seem to have lots of satisfied customers. But I would not fault the OP for voting with his wallet and purchasing competing brands in the future. Even if LM wanted to shed this guy's business, and that may be the healthiest option for them all things considered, but there are ways to do that without adding fuel to a fire.