Some people just need to be told to STFU.
And a single bad experience shouldn't be enough to discourage a purchase. about you STFU then.
And depending on the experience once may very well be enough.
It is about expectations. I don't go into Walmart or stores like it that you mentioned in your later post, expecting any sense of customer service. My business to a chain store like that is like a gnat on the arse of an Elephant.
LM on the other hand is a small business, in much more defined sector of the retail and sports industry market. You don't get to be the owner/manager of business where your first name is well known on the predominant social media platform for the activity your business caters too, and have the expectation that your nose is not gonna get virtually bloodied when you step out of line and crap on one of your customers.
Just because you like LM and its owner, does not make up for what was said. The expectation is the business owner will take a more righteous approach.
This discussion thread would have a totally different air to it should LM not have responded at all instead of the way they did. It is not like LM has clean hands here in this case. And for some, in a tightly competitive marketplace that is more than enough to vote with their wallet by choosing where they want or don't want to spend their money.
If one goes back and re-reads one of my earlier posts in this thread, I point out that creating a negative experience just gives one a reason to speak negatively about one's business in perpetuity...that is not a new or foreign concept. Corey was even crass enough to sarcastically thank the OP for posting his thoughts and concerns and expressed more or less that he was enjoying/benefiting from the "free advertisement".
So good....if this brings business to LM then great. If it kills business for them, then seems they brought this on themselves.