That's definitely your perrogative, but to eliminate the chance of buying an excellent product because you don't like something the owner said is silly. Light monkey has a long history of exceptional customer service and exceptional products. They generally treat their customers exceptionally well. This seems to be a solitary incident, and to be honest, even if I read all of Sergey's emails I'm sure there's more to the story. He's obviously on a mission to give LM a bad name. Now he's posting his fb messages on the internet. I'm sure he's posting everywhere he can. And that really makes me question his story. Whenever I see someone so fervently posting all over the internet about how awful a company is, I usually assume there's way more to the story and I doubt that's any different here. The guys at LM are good guys but as you see Corey won't mince his words. You piss him off and there's a chance he'll tell you what he thinks. It might not be good for most businesses, but it's not really hurting them in any way. Whoever said the customer is always right probably never worked in customer service. Corey probably should've been nicer, but sometimes you just want to tell people what you think no matter the repercussions.
I've emailed back and forth all week with Corey and Mandy at LM about a product I had questions on. Their responses were professional and they responded quickly. I ordered the product Wed night and it will be here today. As a general rule most of us that have dealt with LM put their customer service in the same vein as DRIS, Shearwater, and Underwater Light Dude.
Have you boycotted Chic-fil-a since the owner is very openly homophobic and gives to religious groups that are anti-gay? It seems most people don't care cause they like they're chicken. I like LM's chicken, so I don't care if Corey called Sergey a name. I'll still buy their chicken.
If you noticed, 4 of December, I was going to stop all this by writing to him:
“Corey, your life - your way. You are not right, and double you cannot admit it. I'm not agree with you. Pity you.”
But he didn’t want that, as his reply was:
“Please post some more reviews on different social media boards, it seems to be increasing our daily sales!”
I wrote many times: “I LIKE product I have from LM!”
At the beginning I was not even complain about quality of lock screw steel, I just INFO to LM.
Simple answer from any of them like: “Thanks for info, we’ll think what we can do with this… SORRY!” and all would be over.
But answers were like “rinse properly”; “change it by yourself, it’s your option” and finally from Corey: “I can see you are a whiny bitch idiot... return it to DGE and we will refund them.”
What do you think? One could swallow it, but I didn’t and I will not.
Even after this insulation I wrote to Corey, trying to clarify and to give him a chance to solve his mistake:
“Dear Corey
I DO like the product.
Each time during night dive briefing we announced: «below the boat there will be the best powerful strobe 8600LM made by Light Monkey in US»
The small detail I started to info you is, of course, a cosmetic one.
In our business at the beginning I had similar feelings when we received complains in Guest Comments after each safari about small things. The main work was done excellent, but clients noticed small details, which for us was less then 1% important. First reaction was like yours (but I never allow myself to pronounce or to write it). After sometime I changed my mind about such a complains. Now me all the team a happy to receive negative feedback, as now we take it as possibility to improve what we do and we do (of course it is not about stupid empty complains like «my roommate was snoring».).
Now my boat has 3 times more positive reviews than any other boat.
So, I sent info about not stainless steel screw to your company’s support, meaning that for you it is also important to receive real feedbacks and technical facts after using.
The reaction of your managers was not professional at all and finally yours was to say emotional is to say nothing.
I spend time to write all these to you as I do believe in small businesses with excellent products to be thriving.
Keep waiting for apologies from you.”
The rest you know.
Of course, I posted info as widely as I can and I’ll continue do it.
Correctly, only about two exact points:
- the small detail is made out of not stainless steel
- unacceptable owner’s behavior.
Never about products and company in general.