Leisure Pro vs. Other Internet Retailers

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Actually, if you call and place your order on the phone > you can request that it be entirely assembled and tested. There is no way to request this if you place the order online. A few months ago I bought a new octo setup from them. I called up Leisurepro, got Brett and they were happy to do it. Also (hint hint) when I mentioned that another online retailer was offering free regulator bags, they tossed that in too.

I remember taking jess4diving's order and she makes a great point that I don't think I've mentioned on SB before. If you would like your reg setup put together then give us a call, we will be more than happy to get it done for you at no charge. Even If you aren't getting a whole setup and just want your Octo attached etc. just call us and ask.

That is going to depend on the LDS, some will look at you like you have three heads for asking such a question. some will do it gladly. My LDS will gladly do it and right after he is done he will write up the receipt for the hood, the gloves, the misc small stuff, a dry bag and the tanks I had filled while there. Then we will figure out where we are going diving this week. Every LDS is different so no real solid answer.

LP, whether I care for them or not are authorized dealers for a lot of the BC's,reg, computers,etc that they sell. If not the Zeagle is sure in for a surprise.

I'm not sure where you got this data, maybe they're that way in your area. Personally, I love it when someone brings in LP gear for me to service. I make money on the parts, labor and they fall into the "get it done promply but no big rush on it" catagory.

I can't say that I blame the lds on this one. The person should have contacted LP FIRST when they think it didn't work.

Scott M & Lead_carrier, it's unfortunate but true that there are wide and varied reactions from dive shops to customers purchasing gear from us, authorized or not. For many years I was on the other side of the table working in a B&M dive shop and trying to compete. The only thing I could say is that if a LP customer walked in my door he wouldn't be chased out. He was a customer that was in my store now and as far as I was concerned this was the one and only time I would get to make him my customer. You bet if the shop wasn't busy I'd put his regulator together for free, especially if one of my local competitors just chased him out of his store, then I'd be the local shop to come to and well on my way to making a new customer. And of course as an LP employee I'll be the first to say if he didn't want the metric, please take advantage of our return policy, we don't want you to keep a piece of gear that isn't what you thought it would be.

For many types of repairs (computers come to mind) the LDS will send it back to the manufacture in any event if it is older than 30 days, or whatever the terms state.

The idea that a dealer will be able to handle any problem, or replace merchandise that has been used with new is just not valid in most cases.

When my buddies Oceanic computer needed service under warranty, it took him over a month to have that done, and he drove 80 miles out of his way to take it to an LDS (where he purchased it), so they could basically mail it in.

LP is often BETTER is this regard in that if they can't do the work, they just provide a new replacement. They did this for a mask I broke (Aqualung), they just replaced the mask with a new one, and I KNOW my LDS would not have touched that. They would have told me to go fly a kite.

You know the "my dive shop will just change it out for me" argument just doesn't make sense. Sure up to a point they may, but on the computer that you have been using for a year? Possibly they will, but probably it will be off to the manufacturer for them to repair or replace under warranty, after all it is their warranty and the ball is in their court.

And if they are any specific questions anyone has, feel free to ask in this thread or in PM. I'm here to help.

Dive Well,
Hmm...I would guess that some of the very strong reaction to LP is due to the fact that it is essentially the Walmart of the scuba world. It comes with prices that are often cheaper, but also with the threat of eliminating the mom and pop place down the street and ultimately leaving us with what I often refer to as "Generica America."

I haven't purchased anything from LP, but wouldn't rule it out for some things. In fact, after doing research on my own, I bought a computer online from Divers Direct and have been thrilled with the purchase and their service. Also, none of the local dive shops had the one I decided I wanted. On the other hand, a trip to my LDS resulted in my first exposure to the long hose + necklaced backup reg configuration with an explanation of the pros and cons. After checking out some threads on SB, I decided that when I finally do buy my reg (soon, I hope), I WILL buy it at the LDS because of this info. The LDS staff (if you can find a good one) can be a trove of information and will help you to figure out what you really need and also help you fine-tune fit, so you get the gear you want and hopefully don't have to buy it twice. In the long run, this may indeed save you money.
This thread is both interesting and amazing.

Let me state that I've made several purchases for Leisure Pro both online and by phone and have been very pleased with the service and products. I was happy to see a LP associate comment on this thread. :-D

But here's what I don't get. We're in the year 2008. There are many, many online stores, such as Leisure Pro, Amazon, etc. that are successful. Those online stores that aren't cracked up to what they need to be fold and dissolve into cyberspace. Those are are worth their weight in salt, survive.

Today we are a society that is driven by the ability to buy online or in a store. We have a choice to make every time we make a purchase, no matter what the product. So, there shouldn't be a big deal as long as you make informed decisions when purchasing.

My two cents,
well you've got a lot of people in the scuba retail business that are very "old school" in their way of thinking. That's ok. got nothing against that.

but they bash any other kind of shop that does online sales of scuba gear. even more years ago.

They bash LP because they are the real competition because they don't "play fair" by selling not only below MSRP, but below MAP also.

Then they get upset when a customer comes into their "full MSRP" shop wanting them to compete. They feel insulted. They feel like they are there in these tough times running their dive shop and their customers should be gratefull they even there and that they should be treated as the "scuba gods".

All this time, the internet is growing and so is e-commerce. This growth includes online retail scuba sales.

The old retailers can either live in a cave and ignore it, or embrace it. their fate is in their own hands.

JoyfulLee. you are right we do live in a society that is driven by the ability to buy online or in a store. But for some folks, they don't have both choices in front of them. The nearest dive shop might be a couple hours away. Or your LDS doesn't carry that brand.

I did most of my Christmas shopping online last year. It wasn't because I didn't want to go out and shop, but that I spent most of my free time helping care of a loved one who was dying and could go out. But I was able to still order stuff for Christmas mostly over internet sales (non scuba related) while I was helping care for them. So in this case internet sales really helped with shopping.
Hmm...I would guess that some of the very strong reaction to LP is due to the fact that it is essentially the Walmart of the scuba world.

I think that quote probably says it all. Once you are the biggest, you attract a lot of haters, justified or otherwise, just because you are the biggest (cross reference: WalMart, Microsoft, United States of America, New York Yankees, etc., etc.)

It probably goes double if the thing that is the biggest is seen as a threat to your livelihood.
JoyfulLee. you are right we do live in a society that is driven by the ability to buy online or in a store. But for some folks, they don't have both choices in front of them. The nearest dive shop might be a couple hours away. Or your LDS doesn't carry that brand.

I did most of my Christmas shopping online last year. It wasn't because I didn't want to go out and shop, but that I spent most of my free time helping care of a loved one who was dying and could go out. But I was able to still order stuff for Christmas mostly over internet sales (non scuba related) while I was helping care for them. So in this case internet sales really helped with shopping.

I, too, do most of my shopping online. I can comparison shop at my leisure and find the best deals. I save on gas and time from the privacy of my own home. But, as you mention, "old school" individuals have a hard time making some transitions. It took me quite a while to get comfortable putting my credit card info online. But eventually, I learned to be okay with it.
When I purchased all my gear for doubles, I purchased some of it from Cave Adventurers, some from Dive Sports, some of it from Dive Rite Express, some from Scuba Toys, and one or two items from Leisure Pro.

I think growing up in the "information and technology age" has a lot to do with it, but I always go with the retailer with a combination of the best price available, and the best service available. I see no point in purchasing a horribly overpriced item from my LDS, in an effort to "provide business to that shop". I worked hard for my money, and I'm not going to use it to help prop up a failing or badly run business. I can see paying full retail at an LDS if I need a service that the LDS provides (advice on fitting, etc) but if I know exactly what I want, I just find the cheapest place that's an authorized dealer (for some reason, I like the idea of having a manufacturer's warranty :))

I think Leisure Pro gets a bad rep mainly from the LDS's that can't compete with their prices. Personally, I believe that if an brick and mortar retailer can't compete with an online retailer's prices, then they'd better find another way to compete (good service, dive trips, etc), because the majority of consumers are fairly educated about their gear choices. They've looked online, they know the average price, and they aren't going to pay $200 more for it just because that's what their LDS is selling it for.
I believe the main difference with LP is that they are a "grey market" retailor. This basically voids the manufacturer warranty, but LP provides their own warranty to counter that issue. Be aware the Scuba Toys will give you a 10% discount if you call and let them know you are a SB member (at least they used to).

Then there is the OTHER debate of online vs LDS...but that is a whole different thread.

ST still gives 10% discount to SB members...........
LeisurePro is gray market - which means they are not authorized purchasers or sellers of most brands of gear. They get their gear from stores going out of business in liquidation sales or from overseas markets where there is no regulation.

I know a person who wanted to buy a Suunto dive computer from LeisurePro as it was $300 cheaper than our LDS. He got one, but it was in bar not Psi and no manual. He brought it into the LDS it get it "fixed" and get a manual, they told him no way. I don't know if he sent it back to LP and got a new one or not. He wasn't happy.


Two things here, first of all if LP gets their gear from poorly run shops that are going out of business or from foreign sources, how come they have the lates Oceanic Data Mask and the Aeris compu mask that many LDS's are still waiting to get? I guess Oceanic and Aeris ship all the "cutting edge" gear to the guys that are going out of business?? Sorry, but if you look at what they carry and the amount they sell, you have to conclude they are buying from the mfg. They get the kind of deals in the scuba market that Warren Buffet gets on the stock market. They have enough money to get the deals no one else can get.

Oceanic DataMask HUD (Heads Up Display) Hoseless Nitrox Dive Computer, with Transmitter from LeisurePro.com

Aeris CompuMask HUD (Heads Up Display) Hoseless Nitrox Dive Computer, with Transmitter from LeisurePro.com

Second, why would your "friend" take his gear to another source to solve the problem? He wanted to exchange it for another one in psi instead of bar. They were right to send him back to the original source to do the exchange. Just as if he had purchased from the LDS in city A and wanted and exchange from an unrelated LDS in city B they would have told him to go back to the store of origin.

In fact, why don't you try that. Buy something from an authorized brick and mortor LDS, lets say a mask and some fins. Then go to another city and another LDS that is unrelated to the first and tell them the mask doesn't seal to your face as you would like and you want the fins in another color. Let's see what the authorized dealer tells you, OK??

Also LP clearly labels what metric/bar and psi. If you click on a bar gauge and order it, they will ship it to you. If you click on a psi gauge--you get that.

Here is a Genesis in psi

and whoop there it is in bar!

Reading my friend is fundamental!!!

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