maj75:Corrected... my brain works better than my fingers.
I'm not sure that Schultz has anything to do with the theory of liablilty you are espousing. That seems like a suit against a dive boat operator and the issue was the validity of the release. (I'm glad we can now lay the issue of release validity to rest)
I still can't see the on-going duty to maintain/repair an artificial reef (wreck for that matter.) In order to impose a duty, that duty must be possible. When the SG ended up on its side when it was placed, was there a duty to right it? No question that the ship on its side would be more challenging to dive that with it up-right? Mother nature stepped in where man failed and took care of that problem. However storms have not been so kind to other artificial reefs in the keys and SW coast. Some have been severely damaged, torn in two. Does the government have to fix those back-up so they are like they were the day they were sunk?
Clearly Schultz does not apply, that's why I prefaced the post, "The following case seems to lay out the state of law in respect to scuba accidents and dive ops, but of course, NOT the issue being discussed here" (emphasis supplied)
Well, this is not a case of maintaining the boat from deterioration, or in the same condition as sunk (although that original condition might be an issue). And of course I am enlarging on facts only hinted at in the reports, i.e. that this particular entry had been chained to keep divers out, but that the chains had been cut.
Most local diviers know that after Hurricane Dennis righted the boat, it was closed for inspection to make sure it was stabilized in an upright position. So, it's not simply a matter of "Well, once we dump it, we forget about it." I suspect there are periodic inspections as to the safety of this particular vessel, after storms, at the very least.
It's a matter of degrees, not absolutes. It is not necessary to create a duty to maintain artificial reefs as if they were Little Tykes toys, in order to find liability here.