Long story short. I have 4 lp tanks. 2 LP72 and 2 LP95 are not plus rated (I didn't know this was a thing when I picked them up). 2 LP72's that were just hydroed came back plus rated. I pointed to the plus rating but was told that a tank can only be plus rated for the first 5 years from its birth? He also said the hydro tester they used should have not plus rated them? Is he completely mistaken or did I miss something about plus ratings on scubaboard?
He's blowing smoke. Steel tanks can be plus rated on any hydro as long as the tank had a plus rating on manufacture and the plus test is done.
He’s right and wrong. If the cylinder isn’t rated for a + rating, one cannot be assigned. But if it was assigned a + rating at manufacture, it may be maintained.
So your plus rating is no good because the cylinders were never assigned one. What are the steel 95’s? I’ve never heard of one without a + rating?
Here is a good thread.... 10% overfill / Plus + rating on Steel LP tanks
And you also are blowing smoke. If the tank had a plus rating on manufacture it can be plus tested at any point and if it passes the plus test will have a plus rating. Prior tests matter not a bit. The rating at maufacture and current test is the only thing that matters. There is no requirement to "maintain" a plus rating on every hydro. Some testing sites can't do the plus test. Having a tanki tested there does nothing to prevent another site from doing a plus test on a subsequent test.
Another bushwah tale you will hear is that if the tank is plus tested and doesn't pass at the plus level it has to be condemned. Total crap. It will at that point not be given the plus rating. That's all. You can continue to use it as LP without the additional 10%. But you can still have it plus tested at a later date. If it passes it will get the plus rating - very unlikely that having failed once it will pass at a later date. But you can have it tested. And it can continue to be used as a LP without 10%+ as long as it passes a regular hydro. Should it somehow pass a later plus test it will get the plus rating.
Dive shops make crap up all the time depending on what they are trying to sell or what they are pretending to know. One owner of a LDS announced at a local club meeting that if he didn't pass a tank on a vis he would drill holes in it. Absolutely illegal and he would be liable. The only thing he can legally do is give the tank back withou a visual inspection sticker. Same for a hydro that isn't passed. They can only X out - not drill holes. So many people blow smoke - they think that because they think it, it must be so. You have to look at the actual regulations ans applicable laws to find out what is true.